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American Literary manuscripts

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American Literary manuscripts

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American Literary manuscripts

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American Literary Manuscripts

Finding Aid

Prepared for the Web by Dyani Scheuerman, June 6, 2003; Revised by Celia R. Halkovich, 2007; Revised by Kathleen Siebert Medicus, 2008; Last Updated: May 2024

Inclusive Dates: 1810-1993
Extent: 6 cubic feet (17 document cases + oversized materials)
Physical Location: 11th floor

Scope and Content: This collection contains miscellaneous manuscripts by American authors. The geographical location noted refers to the location in which the letters or documents were written or to where they were sent.

Statement of Arrangement: The materials in this collection are arranged in chronological order, with undated materials placed after dated materials.

Box 1
Folder -- Contents

  1. April 16, 1836. Goodrich, C[harles] A[ugustus]. New Haven, Conn. To Joseph E[merson] Worcester. Cambridge, Mass. Concerning the publication of one of his books. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  2. March 14, 1839. Sigourney, L[ydia] H[oward]. Hartford, [CT]. To Samuel G[riswold] Goodrich. Boston, [MA]. Submits a poem, "Show Us the Father," for publication in The Token. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  3. April 24, 1846. District of Salem and Beverly, Port of Salem. Document signed by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Surveyor. [printed document with autograph entries and signatures, trimmed and mounted on card stock] 1 p.
    Acquisition Information: From the collection of Frasier Clark. Donated to Special Collections & Archives by Matthew J. Bruccoli.
  4. December 31, 1849. Lowell, J.R. Elmwood. To Edward [Everett Hale]. Asks for an invitation for Dr. Kraitser to lecture in Worcester, recounts a dinner he had with a friend and an actress, wishes happy New Year. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  5. [1850?] Brown, Bartholomew. Notebook containing manuscript poetry and clippings from publications in which his poetry appeared, together with family notes, accounts, and receipts. [autograph document] 126 pp.
  6. September 3, 1852. Longfellow, Henry W[adsworth]. Newport, [RI]. To Miss Wormeley. Regrets he is unable to read her manuscript, suggests she change the title. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  7. May, 1853. Conway, H.J. Receipt. [autograph document, signed] 1 p.
  8. November 28, 1853. Lowell, J.R. To [Edward Everett] Hale. Thanks Hale for his sympathy, congratulates him on reception of an essay in Philadelphia. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  9. 1856-1864. Stringer & Townsend, Publishers. Deed, stock report, summons, etc. relating to legal and business affairs of the New York firm.
    Physical Location: Oversized volume. Shelved separately.
  10. March 21, 1859. Lowell, J.R. Cambridge, [MA]. To Edward [Everett Hale]. Writes of pursuing his degree in Latin, reminisces about the past, mentions that Hale's sister's story is going to be published, expresses surprise at the difficulty of editing. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  11. August 24, 1859. Whipple, E[dwin] P[ercy]. Boston, [MA]. To [?]. Interested in lecturing in Cleveland, lists topics. Mounted. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  12. 1860-1861. The Sarah Elizabeth Robins manuscript collection consists of copies of eight letters of Miss Robins to Sarah Helen Whitman concerning Edgar Allan Poe. A copy of a letter to Rudd and Carleton is also present.
  13. October 1, 1862. Lowell, J.R. Elmwood, [MA]. To [Edward Everett] Hale. States that he is familiar with Toricelli but there is little public demand for Italian literature although he teaches it along with Spanish, asks Hale to write about Orpheus C. Kerr. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  14. November 5, 1864. Lowell, J.R. Elmwood, [MA]. To [Edward Everett] Hale. Discusses Bogart and etymology, responds to Hale's review of a Curwin sermon. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  15. December 7, 1864. Lowell, J.R. Elmwood, [MA]. To [Edward Everett] Hale. Praises Curwin, suggests ideas for Hale's review,
  16. February 11, 1867. Alcott, A[mos] Bronson. Concord, [MA]. To Mrs. Mary E. Stearns. [Boston, MA]. Asks to stay at her house while he is in Boston to deliver a lecture. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  17. July 14, 1867. Lowell, J.R.. Elmwood, [MA]. To [Edward Everett] Hale. Invites him to a celebration and asks him to be chaplain for the day, asks for another chapter of his book. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  18. October 12, 1867. Lowell, J.R. Cambridge, [MA]. To [Edward Everett] Hale. Looks forward to his visit, enjoyed his article in the Atlantic. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  19. November 4, 1867. Bryant, W[illiam] C[ullen]. Roslyn, [NY]. To Jennie Hoagland, Mira Love, Euphie Reynolds, Emma Bennet. [Port Jervis, NY]. Explains some lines in his poem "Thanatopsis." [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp. Accompanying this letter is the letter from the four women asking the questions to which he responded. Port Jervis, NY. November 1, 1867. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  20. 1868-1878. The Oliver Wendell Holmes-Welch, Bigelow, and Co. manuscripts consist of 24 letters by Holmes to the printer of at least two of his books, Poetical Works, 1877, and John Lathrop Motely: A Memoir, 1879, and the Atlantic article for January 1869, "Cinders From the Ashes." The letters contain instructions for arrangement of poems, corrections, etc.
  21. January 25, 1869. Gay, S[ydney] H[oward]. Chicago, [IL]. To [?]. Asks how long his novel will take to complete. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  22. November 7, 1869. Parrish, R[obert] A[ustin]. [Philadelphia, PA]. To [?]. He sends his first book, Claims of France, to this editor and comments on the book's merits. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  23. 1869. Karelsen, Jacques E.. Fortune's Caprice: A play in four acts. [autograph manuscript]
    Physical Location: Oversized volume. Shelved separately.
  24. March 8, 1870. Brooks, Phillips. Boston, [MA]. To [?]. Arranges to preach a sermon in Brooklyn. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  25. September 29, 1870. L[owell], J. R. Elmwood. To E[dward] E[verett Hale]. Encloses a manuscript for "Old and New" for Hale to read, asks for a book of letters by Hale's sister. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  26. January 16, 1872. Holmes, O[liver] W[endell]. Boston, [MA]. To [Charles Godfrey] Leland. Mentions his new address, his children, recent activities, and The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  27. July 19, 1872. Eggleston, Geo[rge] Cary. New York. To [?]. Outlines procedures for accepting stories for Hearth and Home, gives opinion of stories submitted by this correspondent. Mounted. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  28. September, 1872. Kemble, [Gouverneur]. Cold Spring, [NY]. To Osborn. Thanks him for sending the whiskey and encloses a Spanish story which he translated recently. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  29. October 23, 1872. Beecher, Henry Ward. Autograph. [autograph document, signed] 1 p.
  30. 1873-1878. Hutchins, Sarita. Autograph album, containing poems. [autograph document] 45 pp.
  31. February 6, 1874. Childs, Geo[rge] W[illiam]. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. To [?]. Encloses documents. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  32. September 7, 1874. Robsinson, Fred[eric]. Burlington, VT. To Sam [C. Pancoast. Hancocks Ridge, NJ]. Thanks him for sending reviews. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  33. April 5, 1875. Bryant, W[illiam] C[ullen]. New York. To Alex[ander] J. Davis. [New York]. Returns a book on the site of Troy. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  34. June 7, 1875. Clemens, Saml. [Samuel] L[anghorne]. Hartford, [CT]. To C[ornelius] R[ea] Agnew. Asks him to perform an operation for a friend. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp. Includes photocopy of letter to Mrs. Samuel L. Clemens from Annie K. Simons dated October 26, 1875.
  35. June 15, 1875. H[arte], B[ret]. N[ew] Y[ork]. To Osgood. Arranges a visit, mentions the sale of a book. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  36. June 23, 1875. Clemens, S[amuel] L[anghorne]. Hartford, [CT]. To [Cornelius Rea] Agnew. On his next visit we will show him around the house. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  37. June 30, 1875. Clemens, Saml. [Samuel] L[anghorne]. Hartford, [CT]. To [Cornelius Rea] Agnew. Asks medical advice. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  38. November 5, 1875. [Bryant, William Cullen]. To Scribner, Armstrong, & Co. Asks for a proof of his introduction to A Popular History of the United States. [autograph letter] 1 p.
  39. November 10, 1875. Bryant, W[illiam] C[ullen]. New York. To Edward Seymour. Invites him to visit, gives instructions on how to get to Roslyn. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  40. November 11, 1875. Bryant, W[illiam] C[ullen]. Roslyn, NY. To Edward Seymour. Arrange details for a meeting. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  41. November 26, 1875. Clemens, [Olivia Langdon]. Hartford, [CT]. To C[ornelius] R[ea] Agnew. Describes the circumstances of the patient the Clement family engaged Dr. Agnew to attend. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  42. December 8, 1875. Eggleston, Edwd. [Edward] Brooklyn, [NY]. To "Brother" Hunt. Discusses his religious activities. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  43. January 7, 1876. Lathrop, G[eorge] P[arsons]. Cambridge, Mass. Check. [document, signed] 1 p.
  44. January 12, 1876. Roe, E[dward] P[ayson]. Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, Orange County, NY. TO J. DeWitt Miller. States that he has no photograph of himself. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  45. March 10, 1876. Holland, J[osiah] G[ilbert]. New York. To [?]. Regrets that he knows very little about a concern. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  46. April, 1876. B[ryant], W[illiam] C[ullen]. An address written for delivery on the occasion of the visit to New York by Dom Pedro II de Alcantara, Emperor of Brazil. Accompanied by a one page note by Bryant in which he describes the circumstances of the speech. [autograph document] 1 p. Includes a photocopy of an article written about the event.
  47. June 22, 1876. Tyler, Saml [Samuel]. Georgetown, DC. To Frank M. Etting. Regrets he is unable to attend meeting. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  48. August 14, 1877. Adams, Charles Francis. Quincy, [MA]. To J[ahu] DeWitt Miller. Cross River, NY. Comments on reference in a book by W. Hoffman. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  49. August 18, 1877. Adams, Charles Francis. Quincy, [MA]. To [Jahu DeWitt] Miller. Cross River, NY. Comments upon reliability of a story. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  50. 1877-1883 Mary Wilder Tileston, ten letters to. Includes envelope marked "1874 W.C. Bryant" addressed to Mary Tileston. Envelope addressed to Roger E. Tileston Esq. postmarked 1901. Envelope postmarked [18]97 to Roger E. Tileston. Envelope to R.E.T. postmarked 1907. Six envelopes addressed to Mrs. Tileston.
  51. January 1, 1878. Longfellow, Henry W[adsworth]. To Geo[rge] W. Greene. Charles River National Bank check made out in the amount of $40.00 to Greene by Longfellow. [typed and autograph document, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by a printed portrait of Longfellow.
  52. January 2, 1878. Fields, J[ames] T[homas]. Boston, Mass. To [?]. Responds to a request to lecture. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  53. April 12, 1878. Nast, Thomas. Autograph. [autograph document, signed] 1 p.
  54. September 1, 1878. Stebbins, Emma. Lenox, Mass. To [?]. Asks if she received a book, asks her to write and visit. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  55. October 29, 1878. Dickinson, Anna E[lizabeth]. New York, NY. To J[ahu] DeWitt Miller. Concerning a story she had written. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  56. December 17, 1878. [Stedman], Edmund [Clarence]. To Mrs. E.C. Kinney. Is concerned about her health, remembers her birthday. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.

Box 2
Folder -- Contents

  1. January 11, 1879. Trowbridge, John. Cambridge, [MA]. To Editor of The Independent. Encloses an article for the journal. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  2. April 15, 1880. Hale, Edward E[veret]. Roxbury, Mass. To Miss [?]. Asks her to send her story to him at his Roxbury address. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  3. January 10, 1881. Cooke, Rose Terry. To [James Ripley] Osgood. Asks for statement of earnings, cannot promise a novel. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  4. January 25, 1881. Lowell, J.R. London. To Edward [Everett Hale]. Praises Hale's book, asks if he could find employment for the author of "Five Years of Convict Life," testifies as to the author's intelligence. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  5. March 15, 1881. Clemens, S[amuel] L[anghorne]. Hartford, [CT]. To [Ulysses Simpson] Grant. Concerning the Chinese Educational Mission in Hartford. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  6. December 14, 1881. Crane, W.C. Monroe, NY. To Jasper. Sends "relic of the war." [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  7. April, 1882. Whistler, J[ames Abbott] McN[eill]. To Sir Henry. Confirms an engagement. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  8. April 27, 1882. Lowell, J.R. To Edward [Everett Hale]. Encloses notes, gives congratulations on Hale's daughter's picture. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  9. December 25, 1882. Boardman, George Dana. Philadelphia, [PA]. To [William Cleaver] Wilkinson. Comments on his poem "Webster, An Ode." [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  10. 1882. Woodruff, A.M. Album of poems kept by Woodruff, 1844-1882. 65 pp.
  11. March 5, 1883. Youmans, E[dward] L[ivingston]. New York. To [?]. Regrets that he has no more autographs of the eminent Englishman. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  12. August 2, 1883. Raymond, Rossiter W[orthington]. New York. To Ben[jamin] W. Austin. Sioux City, Iowa. Sends his autograph. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  13. December 31, 1883. Fitzsimon, E.A. Ashton, RI. To Rev. J. Larkin. Thanks him for his interest in his historical manual, informs him that it was accepted as a textbook for use in the New York Public Schools, encloses a copy of the work as a gift. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  14. February 6, 1884. Winchell, Alexander. Ann Arbor, [MI]. To G[ilbert] Hilton Scribner. Thanks him for the complimentary copy of a book and notes he had read and reviewed it, commends him for publishing books which show substantial thinking. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  15. February 13, 1884. Lowell, J[ames] Russell. London. To Charles B. Thompson. Refers to report of his Henry Fielding speech in the Times, regrets report contained so many errors. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  16. April 3, 1884. Lowell, J.R. London. To [Edward Everett] Hale. Recounts lectures given on British writers. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  17. October 9, 1884. Lowell, J[ames] Russell. London. To Mr. Timmins. Comments on his ancestors from Yardley, Worcestershire, England. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  18. February 10, 1885. French, John H. Freehold, PA. To E.W. Miller. Returns proofs and corrections for Mr. Rich, comments on the corrections. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  19. April 27, 1885. Stedman, E[dmund] C[larence]. New York, [N.Y.]. To [Thomas Stephens] Collier. Thanks Collier for sending the signed copy of the Groton ode. Discusses his own work: denies that he is writing a paper on sonnets, mentions his essays on American poets, and explains that he does not pretend to criticize poets his age or younger. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  20. June 20, 1885. Lowell, J[ames] Russell. Deerfoot Farm, [MA]. To [James Ripley] Osgood. Regrets that he cannot fulfill Mr. Osgood's request. Hopes that Mr. Osgood has recovered from his misfortune. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  21. August 17, 1885. Howard, Blanche Willis. Wiscasset, [ME]. To Ticknor. Will call on him when in Boston. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  22. August 24, 1885. Hubert, P[hilip] G[engembre], Jr. New York. To Oronson. Aknowledges a note on a production of Manon, describes The Evening Post policy regarding such notes. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  23. January 11, 1886. Mitchell, D[onald] G[rant]. [New Haven, CT]. To Chas [Charles] B. Curtis. New York. Acknowledges receipt of a book. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  24. April 25, 1886. Longfellow, Ernest W[adsworth]. New York. To Ben[jamin] W. Austin. Thanks for making him an honorary member of the Northwestern Library. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  25. December 3, 1886. Gibson, William Hamilton. New York, NY. To Joel W. Burdick. Discusses his speech "The Illustrative Arts" and other anecdotes. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  26. December 15, 1886. Higginson, T[homas] W[entworth]. Cambridge, [MA]. To Miss Heinch. Regrets that a professor must decline her invitation, mentions Shakespeare. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  27. 1886. Bartlett, G[eorge] B[radford]. "Concord in the First Half of This Century" 42 pp. Accompanied by "Romance and Writers," 54 pp.; and "Part of a Lecture on Thoreau," 19 pp. Anecdotes about Concord, MA, and such literary figures as Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Holmes, and many others.
  28. 1886. Sill, E[dward] R[owland]. "Two Views of It." Poem. Editor's notes at top of page. 1 p.
  29. February 9, 1887. Lowell, J.R. Deerhoof Farm. To Edward [Everett Hale]. Responds negatively to a question Hale had, regrets the misuse of "will" and "shall" in the English language. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  30. June 4, 1887. Conway, Moncure D[aniel]. New York, NY. To E.F. Strickland. Cannot comply with his wishes. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  31. August 19, 1887. Johnson, F.A. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Harriet [Elizabeth] Beecher Stowe. Note informing her that she's been elected an honorary member of the Louisiana Homestead and Aid Association. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  32. September 15, 1887. Dietrick, Ellen B. Covington, KY. To Alice Bunker Stockham. Chicago, Ill. Sends 25 copies of her pamphlet. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  33. February 4, 1888. Howells, W[illiam] D[ean]. Jefferson, Ohio. To [Edmund Clarence] Stedman. Thanks him for his letter, family matters, would like to arrange a visit. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  34. February 19, 1888. Proudfit, D[avid] L[aw]. New York. To [Edmund Clarence] Stedman. Sends a copy of his poem "The Willis" for Stedman's An American Anthology, discusses his literary career. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  35. September 29, 1888. Tausig, F[rank]. W[illiam]. Cambridge, Mass. To Editor of The Independent. On writing an article for the journal. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  36. December 14, 1888. Scudder, Horace [Elisha]. Cambridge, Mass. To Arthur Levy. Thanks him for writing about his work. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.

Box 3
Folder -- Contents

  1. May 9, 1889. Jefferson, J[oseph]. Buzzards Bay, Mass. To Paulding. Recommends an excellent tailor. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  2. May 14, 1889. Gilmore, James R[oberts]. Lake George, NY. To Editor of the North American Review. Asks about some essays submitted for publication in the journal. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  3. November 6, 1889. Garrison, W[endell] P[hillips]. New York. To [?]. Discusses review of book by Mary Howitt. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  4. December 4, 1889. Smith, Edgar [McPhail]. New York. To Dick. Concerning the play "Whose Can It Be," the scenery, and cast possibilities. [autograph letter, signed] 6 pp.
  5. December 4, 1889. Smith, Ed[gar] [McPhail]. [New York]. To Dick. Concerning reading for a play, "Whose Can It Be." [autograph letter, signed] 5 pp.
  6. 1889. Russell, Lillian. To Mr. [Samuel] French. Discusses several women he may consider for theatrical roles, invites him to come see her performance in "The [Grand] Duchess." [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  7. January 6, 1890. Twining, Kinsley. New York. To Mr. Theodore M. Barber. Comments on an unfortunate notice in a magazine. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  8. May 11, 1890. Lowell, J.R. Cambridge, Mass. To Edward [Everett Hale]. Discusses etymology. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  9. June 10, 1890. Herrick, Christine Terhune. New York, NY. To I.D. Marshall. Sends series of articles. Promotional note on Herrick enclosed. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  10. July 30, 1890. Smith, Edgar [McPhail]. New York. To Dick. Business letter concerning a play and preparations for its performance. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  11. February 23, 1891. Herrick, Christine Terhune. New York, NY. To I.D. Marshall. Asks if he can use an article. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  12. May 4, 1891. Prudden, T[heophil] M[itchell]. [New York]. To Miss Ella [Beach]. Comments on missionary work and regrets that she is too busy to visit them in the country. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  13. May 9, 1891. Fitch, Clyde. To [Jahu DeWitt] Miller. Writes about his plays, future plans. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  14. July 23, 1891. Brooks, Phillips. Boston, [MA]. To Jim [James] Reed. Would attend a class reunion. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  15. August 6, 1891. Jefferson, J[oseph]. Buzzards Bay, Mass. To Paulding. Arranges a visit. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  16. November 9, 1891. Taylor, Chas [Charles] H[enry]. Boston, Mass. To Hawxhurst. Brooklyn, NY. Sends autograph. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  17. September 12, 1892. Ralph, Julian. To Callin. Discusses the purchase of his book. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  18. November 1, 1892. Litchfield, Grace Denio. Washington, DC. To Mrs. Stedman. Thanks her for her concern. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  19. January 28, 1893. Godkin, [Edwin] Laurence. To [William Stephen] Rainsford. Sends him a book. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  20. November 13, 1893. Wright, Elizabeth. Jacksonville, Ill. To Stone & Kimball [Publishers]. Asks if they want to examine a manuscript of a story of western life. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  21. December 1, 1893. Piatt, Sarah M[organ] B[ryan]. Autograph. Also contains the autograph of John James Piatt. [autograph document, signed] 1 p.
  22. December 16, 1893. Miller, Emily Huntington. Evanston, Illinois. To [?]. Sends a manuscript. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  23. October 23, 1894. Wald, Lillian D. Rochester, NY. To Herrick. Thanks her for writing, discusses the sale of one of her works. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  24. October, 1894. Piatt, Sarah. Autograph. [autograph document, signed] 1 p.
  25. February 22, 1895. Halstead, M[urat]. Brooklyn, NY. To O.L. Smith. Discusses publication of some papers. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  26. May 14, 1895. Keats, John H[enry Jr.]. Maysville, MO. To [Jahu] DeWitt Miller. Regarding his purchase of Miller's copy of Letters of John Keats. Mounted, with note by Miller. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  27. June 1, 1895. Childe, Rheta Louise. Seattle, Wash. To Stone and Kimball. Chicago, [IL]. Offers a book about the Indians of Alaska. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  28. June 19, 1895. Burton, John E. Milwaukee, Wis. To Stone & Kimball. Chicago, Illinois. Asks if back issues of the Chap Book are available. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  29. July, 1895. Vincent, Leon Henry. To Jahu [DeWitt Miller]. Declines to "supplement" his article on Keats' letters. Pasted to "A Reading in the Letters of John Keats" by Vincent. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  30. December 31, 1895. Jefferson, [Joseph]. New York. To Mrs. Thomas F. Goodrich. Regrets he is unable to grant her request. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  31. 1895. North, Ernest D[ressel]. New York. To [Sophia McILvaine Bledsoe] Herrick. Letter of introduction concerning Miss Marianne Greene requesting work on the editorial staff. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  32. February 12, 1896. Harte, W[alter] B[lackburn]. Boston, Mass. To [Francis C.] Nichols. Boston, [MA]. Presents Nichols with a copy of his first book. [autograph letter, signed]. 2 pp.
  33. June 19, 1896. Scudder, [Horace Elisha]. Shirley Village, Mass. To E. Leyman. Writing about Bryant for Scribner's, asks for a book. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  34. June 30, 1896. Choate, Joseph H[odges]. To John Townshend. Thanks him for the check and poem. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  35. August 27, 1896. McClure, S[amuel] S[idney]. New York, NY. To J[ohn] B[oles] Tileston. Boston, Mass. No thought of sending a correspondent to the Sudan on McKinley's campaign. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  36. July 28, 1897. Fox, John. Big Stone Gap, VA. To Harper & Bros. New York, NY. Discusses book publication of The Kentuckions. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  37. September 30, 1897. Meredith, William T. New York City. To [Edmund Clarence] Stedman. New York City. Asks return of poems. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by "Bold Cravens No More" poem.
  38. October 9, 1897. Stockton, Frank R[ichard]. Morristown, NJ. To Hamilton [Bowen] Holt. Is considering sending a manuscript for publication in the Independent. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  39. October 18, 1897. Higginson, T[homas] W[entworth]. Cambridge, [MA]. To Wood. Agrees to help Mary Saunders find a job in a library. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  40. November 10, 1897. Robinson, [Edwin] A[rilington]. Gardiner, Maine. To Arthur Macy. Cannot sent him a copy of The Torrent. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  41. February 3, 1898. Hutton, Laurence. New York. To Wolfe. Comments upon his reading, article about his home to appear in the New York Times. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  42. February 20, 1898. Magness, Edgar. Arcadia, Florida. To Miss Proctor. Recalls their interactions while traveling in Italy; relates he is currently stalking "deer and rattlesnakes on the vast Florida plains," and comments on the success of his recent travel book. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp. Accompanied by a prospectus for Tramp Tales of Europe by Edgar Magness.
  43. October 1, 1898. Whitmarsh, H[ubert] Phelps. Boston. To Mr. Sloan. Suggests that he may find some things of interest in his book and asks him to accept it with his appreciation. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  44. November 7, 1898. Mitchell, Donald G[rant]. To [?]. In reply to a question, he can give little help. Refers to biographical sources. Photograph enclosed. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  45. November 25, 1898. Deland, Margaret [Wade Campbell]. Boston, [MA]. To Harper & Brothers. [New York]. She likes the cover of Old Chester Tales but is annoyed by the errors in the text. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  46. November 30, 1898. Stedman, E[dmund] C[larence]. New York. To Arthur [Stedman]. Gives his son advice on the commuter trains to New York. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  47. February 13, 1899. Deland, Margaret [Wade Campbell]. Boston, [MA]. To Harper & Brothers. [New York]. Asks about the success of Old Chester Tales. Notes for the publisher's reply written at end of letter. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  48. June 23, 1899. Neagle, H[arry]. New York, NY. To Dick [Richard F. Carroll]. Discusses Carroll's health, financial matters, London "opening." [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  49. July 27, 1899. Bok, Edward [William]. Boston, Mass. To Roger E. Tileston. Fisher's Island, New York. Asks if Tileston's mother would be interested in writing a series of articles for The Ladies Home Journal. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  50. November 24, 1899. Norton, Charles Eliot. Cambridge, Mass. To Ralph W. Pringle. Discusses [William Torrey] Harris' book Spiritual Sense of the Divine Comedy, mentions translations of Dante by Longfellow and Cary and essays about Dante by Lowell and Dean Church. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  51. August 27, 1900. Neagle, Harry. To Dick [Richard F. Carroll. New York]. Comments upon popularity of American musical comedies in London. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  52. October 2, 1900. Norton, Charles Eliot. Cambridge, Mass. To Ralph W. Pringle. Suggests books for a good knowledge of great buildings of Europe, gives hints on choosing pictures for a school study room. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  53. November 3, 1900. Bacheller, Irving [Addison]. To [Ralph W.] Pringle. Is glad he likes the book. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  54. December 2, 1900. Mitchell, Silas Weir. To Dr. Frazer. Discusses irregularities in pen marks due to individual neuro-musculas apparatus of man. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  55. January 16, 1901. Drew, John. New York. To Mathews & Co. Sends check for stock. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  56. September 8, 1901. Moffett, Cleveland. To Mr. Abbot. Discusses rearranging pictures in an enclosed batch of proofs and meeting soon to discuss illustartions and the frontispiece for a publication which is not named. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  57. September 18, 1901. Mets, J[ames] Andrew. "Our Fallen Chief" poem. Accompanied by a pamphlet entitled "List of Lectures" by J.A. Mets.
  58. December 11, 1901. Mosher, [Thomas] [Bird]. Portland, Maine. To Miss Beach. Sends a book. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  59. January 9, 1902. Wilson, Bingham Thoburn. Philadelphia, PA. To Ernest Wagner. Colorado. Thanks him for his kind words about his book. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  60. June 18, 1902. Keats, John H[enry Jr.]. Maysville, MO. To [Jahu] DeWitt miller. Concerning Keats' manuscripts, mentions his father and Charles Armitage Brown. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  61. July 7, 1902. Markham, Edwin. Staten Island, [NY]. To W[illiam] W[allace] Whitelock. Regrets that a list of names was printed before those listed were consulted. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  62. October 22, 1902. Hubbard, Elbert. East Aurora, NY. To Mr. Hatfield. Sends book. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  63. February 5, 1903. Benton, Joel. Poughkeepsie, [NY]. To [Jahu DeWitt] Miller. Comments upon Poe and Chivers. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  64. September 16, 1903. R[?], John R. Rosemont, PA. To H[arvey] M[aitland] Watts. Philadelphia. Unable to write the article Watts requests. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  65. October 21, 1903. Hubbard, Elbert. East Aurora, NY. To Mr. Hatfield. Sends him a book which he is to return if he is not please with it. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  66. November 20, 1903. Keats, John H[enry, Jr.]. Maysville, Missouri. To [Jahu] DeWitt Miller. Sends photographs of himself and his daughter, Juanita. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  67. December 21, 1903. [Goodridge] Roberts, Theodore. Barbados, B.W.I. To Hamilton Holt. Financial arrangements for some stories. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  68. August 1, 1904. Gilder, J[oseph] B. New York City, NY. To [David Alexander] Munro. Asks if North American Review wants to buy two papers by Isben. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  69. September 8, 1904. Harben, Will[iam] N[athaniel]. New York, NY. To [Marie Alice] Phillips. Sends copy of his book, The Georgions. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  70. December 14, 1904. Otis, H[arrison] G[ray]. Los Angeles, Cal. To James M. Barr. Philadelphia, PA. Accepts articles for the Times-Mirror. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  71. January 10, 1905. More, Paul E[lmer]. New York, NY. To Price. Turns down an article. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  72. March 24, 1905. Mets, J[ames] A[ndrew]. "Spring." Poem.
  73. May 26, 1905. Byrnes, Thomas. New York. To The Metropolitan Magazine. Returns letters submitted to the magazine for a detective-story contest with his list of the nine prize winners. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  74. June 20, 1905. Johnson, R[obert] U[nderwood]. New York. To [John] DeWitt Miller. Hopes Miller will be interested in an American Committee project to honor English poets in Rome. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  75. October 20, 1905. Bixby, W[illiam] K[eeney]. St. Louis. To Mr. [F.W.] Lehmann. St. Louis. Sends copy of Eugene Field's My Book. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  76. November 29, 1905. Tarkington, Booth. Capri, [Italy]. To Davis. Discusses his writing and life in Italy. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  77. December 30, 1905. Carruth, Hayden [Fred]. New York, NY. To Mr. Price. Rejects material sent by Price. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  78. December 30, 1905. Knickerbocker Publishing Co. New York, NY. To Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Jackson, NH. [typed letter] 1 p. Encloses copy of biographical sketch to be included in biographical dictionary. 4 pp.
  79. February 15, 1906. Gilder, Jeannette L[eonard]. New York, NY. To D.A. Munro. New York, NY. Sends a manuscript for his consideration. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  80. March 12, 1906. Eggleston, George Cary. New York. To [Eugene Lemoine] Didier. Suggests a Mrs. Bacon could help him publish his work. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  81. April 18, 1906. Hartley, Randolph. Twelve poems on theatrical subjects. Accompanied by a letter transmitting the poems to a publisher.

Box 4
Folder -- Contents

  1. October 27, 1906. M[oody], W[illiam] V[augh]. New York. To Katherine Lyle. Regarding the loss of her trunk and the response of the express and insurance companies. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  2. March 9, 1907. Stoddard, Henry L[uther]. New York, NY. To Hamilton Holt. New York, NY. Suggests he write to managing editor of The Evening Mail. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  3. November 19, 1907. Holt, Hamilton. New York, NY. To Dewey A. Cobb. Philadelphia, PA. WIll hear as soon as accumulation has been read. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  4. November 23, 1907. Bradford, Gamaliel. To Mr. Edgett. On the independence of book reviewing. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  5. December, 1908. Newton, A[lfred] Edward. Berwyn, PA. To [?]. A card expressing Christmas wishes. [autograph card, signed]
  6. February 24, 1909. Moody, W[illiam] V[aughn]. San Dumas, Cal. To Katherine Lyle. Asks her to hold his mail and informs her of his trip. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by a small handwritten card.
  7. March 3, 1909. Keats, John H[enry, Jr.]. Maysville, MO. To [Jahu] DeWitt Miller. Information regarding his past life, mentions his parents, schooling, and accomplishments. Mentions that he met Abraham Lincoln. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  8. November 19, 1909. Smith, F[rancis] Hopkinson. New York. To Charles B[elmont] [Davis]. Thanks him for writing, will consider writing a story for Collier's Weekly when he's finished his latest novel. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  9. March 12, 1910. Rogers, A[rthur] K[enyon]. Indianapolis. To [J.] Helder. Discusses points in his writing. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  10. August 1, 1910. [Keats, John Henry, Jr.] Maysville, MO. To [Jahu] DeWitt Miller. Thanks him for sending the News and Press Daily Paper. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  11. December 7, 1911. Bachellor, Irving. Autograph. [autograph document, signed] 1 p.
  12. December 20, 1910. Ledoux, Louis V[ernon]. New York. To [?]. Sends him a book of poems, discusses the book. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  13. December 28, 1911. Orme, F[rancis] H[odgron] To Dr. [J.C.] Olmstead. Thanks him for Christmas gift. [autograph card, signed]
  14. 1911. Young, Stark. "To a Star in His Window." Poem.
  15. November 20, 1912. Foley, P[atrick] K[evin]. Boston, Mass. To [Stephen H.] Wakeman. Offers Wakeman books and manuscripts by Holmes, Whittier, and Lowell. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  16. December 30, 1912. Holland, [Edmund Milton]. New York. To [?]. Does not have a photo with him, comments upon plays he has been in. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  17. February 6, 1913. Saltus, Edgar. New York City. To Mr. [William] Griffith. New York City. Asks if he may send a piece for consideration. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by typed, signed note from Griffith.
  18. January 31, 1914. Bodenheim, Max[well]. To Mrs. Colefax. Accepts an invitation. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  19. May 18, 1915. Bernstorff, J[ohann-Heinrich]. Washington, DC. To Frank Harris. New York, NY. Thanks him for sending his book England and Germany. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  20. June 13, 1915. Jones, Tho[mas] S[amuel]. New York, NY. To [Franklin Pierce] Adams. Sends him a book. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  21. January 17, 1916. Churchill, Winston. Katonah, NY. To Charles B. Davis. New York. Will recommend his agency. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  22. July 6, 1916. Bernstorff, J[ohann-Heinrich]. New York, NY. To Frank Harris. New York, NY. Thanks him for sending his book on Oscar Wilde. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  23. August 1, 1916. Bernstorff, J[ohann-Heinrich]. New York, NY. To Frank Harris. Enjoyed reading Oscar Wilde, would be pleased to come to dinner. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  24. August 3, 1916. Bernstorff, J[ohann-Heinrich]. New York, NY. To Frank Harris. New York, NY. Accepts a dinner invitation, comments on Harris' plan to write about him. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  25. August 16, 1916. Bernstorff, J[ohann-Heinrich]. New York, NY. To Frank Harris. New York, NY. Provides family background for an article Harris plans to write. [typed letter, signed] 3 pp.
  26. September 2, 1916. Ropes, H[ames] H[ardy]. Cotuit, Mass. To J. Helder. Unable to send reprints of articles or financial aid, suggest source of information. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  27. December 28, 1916. Bernstorff, J[ohann-Heinrich]. Washington, DC. To Frank Harris. New York, NY. Asks Harris to postpone the publication of an article about him. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  28. 1916. Fuller, Henry B[lake]. Autograph. [autograph document, signed] 1 p.
  29. January 11, 1917. Bernstorff, J[ohann-Heinrich]. Washington, DC. To Frank Harris. New York, NY. Asks Harris again to postpone the publication of his article about him. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  30. April 4, 1917. [Sinclair, Upton Beall]. To Frank Harris. New York, NY. Writes of his attitude toward authors and politics. [copy] 3 pp.
  31. October 12, 1917. Thompson, James Westfall. To Vincent Starrett. Chicago, Ill. Presents him with a copy of his The Last Pagan, discusses modern writers. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  32. March 8, 1918. Driggs, Laurence La T[ourette]. New York, NY. To R[alph] W. Pringle. Normal, Ill. Thanks for writing about his book. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  33. March 19, 1918. Driggs, Laurence La T[ourette]. New York, NY. To [Ralph W.] Pringle. Normal, Ill. Gives a brief account of his life since they last met, speaks of his books. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  34. October 12, 1918. Stinson, Alvah L[a Forrest]. Autograph accompanied by his portrait. [autograph document, signed] 1 p.
  35. January 21, 1919. Streeter, Ed[ward]. New York City. To Gil[bert] Lane. Akron. Returned from honeymoon in California, recalls colleagues in the 322nd, announces opening of "Dear Mable," his future vague. [autograph letter, signed]
  36. January 26, 1919. Bixby, W[illiam] K[eeney]. To [F.W.] Lehmann. Missed him at the Burns Club meeting, wanted to show him "a number of new Burns items." [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  37. April 24, 1919. Long, Haniel. Pittsburgh, PA. To Fred B. Millett. Williamstown, Mass. Outlines his course of Freshman themes in the College of Art at Carnegie Institute of Technology, comments on teaching, quotes John Dewey. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  38. November 25, 1919. Lait, Jack. Chicago. To George Schulte. Chicago, Illinois. Thanks him for a book and for praise of his writing. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  39. December 9, 1919. Leaf, Walter. New York, New York. To Charles R[ockwell] Lanman. Cambridge, Mass. Expresses to Mr. Lanman how nice his stay was in America and how pleased that a Mr. Burrage wanted a copy of translations to add to his Fitzgerald Collection. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  40. February, 1920. Preston, Keith. "An Ode in Time of Educational Reconstruction." Poem.
  41. March 27, 1920. Streeter, Ed[ward]. New York, N.Y. To Gil[bert F. Lane. Akron.] Congratulates Lane on the birth of his daughter. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  42. July 13, 1920. Coffman, L[otus] D[elta]. Minneapolis, Minn. To Ralph W. Pringle. Normal, Ill. Has read his manuscript and will help get it published. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  43. October 13, 1920. Butler, Ellis Parker. Flushing, NY. To B[?] Adams, Jr. Statesville, NC. Comments on autograph collectors. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  44. November 1, 1920. Harper, H[enry] H[oward]. Boston, Mass. To F[rederick] A. Kilmer. Oak Harbor, Ohio. Sends a copy of "The Little Boy's Soliloquy" and gives the background of the poem. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  45. February 9, 1921. Frank, Glenn. New York. To Carl Glick. New York. Acknowledges receipt of a story for The Century. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  46. September 23, 1921. Driggs, Laurence La T[ourette]. New York, NY. To R[alph] W. Pringle. Normal, Ill. Speaks about his career, aviation. [typed letter, signed]
  47. November 26, 1921. Ferber, Edna. Chicago, Ill. To [Ralph W. Pringle]. Writes of her books, recalls her school days when Pringle was her principal. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  48. January 20, 1922. Lowell, Orson. To Otto V. St. Whitelock. Regrest he has no drawing to offer. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  49. August 12, 1923. Pennell, Elizabeth Robins. Brooklyn, NY. To Mrs. Jackson. Sends her something and wonders if she's ever seen it before, mentions John Lane and his Kipling bibliography. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  50. November 13, 1923. Osborne, T[homas] M[ott]. Auburn, NY. To Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. New York, NY. Agrees to read books on penology for the publishing firm. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  51. December 4, 1923. Allen, Hervey. Charleston, SC. To Brice O'Dell Taylor. Livingston, Texas. Thanks him for his note about the Poetry Society "Year Book." Personal matters. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  52. December 18, 1923. White, Walter [Francis]. New York, NY. To Blanche W. Knopf. New York, NY. Discusses the publication of his book The Fire in the Flint. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  53. December 20, 1923. White, Walter [Francis]. New York, NY. To Blanche W. Knopf. New York, NY. Discusses the publication of his book The Fire in the Flint. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  54. December 27, 1923. White, Walter [Francis]. New York, NY. To Blanche W. Knopf. New York, NY. Discusses the revision of his novel The Fire in the Flint. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  55. 1924. Scotson-Clark, George Frederick and E. Scotson-Clark. An Amazing Ancestor. Typed manuscript. 274 pp.
  56. 1924. Scotson-Clark, George Frederick and E. Scotson-Clark. An Amazing Ancestor. Typed manuscript. 274 pp.
  57. 1924. Scotson-Clark, George Frederick and E. Scotson-Clark. An Amazing Ancestor: A Fanciful Comedy . Copy of the novel containing corrections.Various pagination throughout.

Box 5
Folder -- Contents

  1. April 23, 1924. Bacheller, Irving. Winter Park, Florida. To [Miss Redman]. Riverside, Conn. Printed response to a message of sympathy. 2 l.
  2. March 3, 1925. Forman, Henry James. Redding Ridge, Connecticut. To Mr. Oppenheimer. Comments on three novels published by Oppenheimer. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  3. May 3, 1925. [Van Loon], Hendrik Willem. Westport, Conn. To "Chief." Sends him his philosophy of life. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  4. May 19, 1925. Paris, W[illiam] F[rancklyn]. New York. To Gilbert. Sends him a first copy of The House That Love Built, discusses the novel. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  5. December 1925. Van Loon, Hendrik Willem. To Frederick Ray Martin. New York City. Sends Christmas greetings. [printed card, inscribed] 1 l.
  6. 1925. Johnson, A[lbert] E[dward]. Four poems: "Birth of the Heart," "Testament," "Post-War Singers," "In Those White Seconds." 4 pp.
  7. April 8, 1926. Allinson, Francis [Greenleaf]. [Providence, RI]. To Margaret [Roys. New York.] Sends a copy of her book Lucian. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp. Accompanied by two clippings on Allinson's retirement from the faculty at Brown U.
  8. April 27, 1926. Dreiser, Theodore. To William Dietrich. Denver, Colorado. Asks for sales figures on The "Genius" and An American Tragedy from Dietrich's bookshop. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  9. May 14, 1926. Emerson, John. [New York] To Mr. Kenneth MacGowan. NY. Declines invitation to the play "The Great God Brown." [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  10. June 11, 1926. Emerson, John. Paris. To Kenneth MacGowen. Regrets absence in the honoring of Francis Wilson. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  11. December 17, 1926. Emerson, John. New York, NY. To Dorothy Earle. New York, NY. Declines dinner invitation. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  12. 1926. Young, E. Marshall. Changing Passions. Novel with pencil corrections throughout. 279 pp.
  13. February 27, 1927. Long, Haniel. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. To [H.C.] Tracy. [Berkely, CA]. Answers questions posed in Tracy's letters. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by a poem by Long, "Plume of Earth-Blood," and a photograph of Long by Harriet Humphrey Burkhart.
  14. May 12, 1927. Curwood, James Oliver. Roscommon, Michigan. To Vachel Davis. Eldorado, Illinois. On his writing habits. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  15. November 7, 1927. Morse, Grace. New York. To E. Marshall Young. Apologizes for not returning his The Puddler manuscript and criticizes the work. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  16. November 14, 1927. Newton, A[lfred] Edward. Philadelphia. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Thanks him for writing, regrets that he can't buy the Johnson item, mentions John Eckel and asks if Ulizio will trade a book with him. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  17. November 23, 1927. Newton, A[lfred] Edward. Philadelphia. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Received The Whale and The Old Wives Tale, thanks him for his kindness. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  18. November 25, 1927. Newton, A[lfred] Edward. Philadelphia. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Thanks him for sending The Whale, promises to mention it in his paper, hopes Ulizio will visit him soon. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  19. December 12, 1927. Newton, A[lfred] Edward. Philadelphia. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Explains what he wrote in The Format of the English Novel concerning Ulizio's gift of Moby Dick. Sends him a copy of his Johnson calendar. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Also includes an invoice or receipt dated 1928.
  20. April 5, 1928. Scott, Temple. New York. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Invites him to visit, discusses his own book collection, mentions a recent tour of the British Islands. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  21. November 13, 1928. Baker, Newton D[iehl]. Cleveland. To Paul L[ouis] Feiss. Thanks him for sending the book. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  22. January 4, 1929. Mayo, Katherine. Bedford Hills, NY. To [Mrs. John Redmond] McGuire. Discusses her new book. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp. Accompanied by a letter from Dorothea C. Wallace to Mrs. McGuire discussing Mayo's work, November 27, 1928.
  23. January 27, 1929. Sothern, E[dward] H[ugh]. Washington, DC. To [?]. About a book on the theatre. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  24. October 5, 1929. Hurst, Fannie. New York. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Informs him that the first edition of Lummox is out of print, mentions that she has some copies of the deluxe edition for sale. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by Ulizio's cancelled check, in payment for a deluxe copy.
  25. October 10, 1929. Bennett, A.V. Richmond, VA. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Is sure Miss Glasgow will autograph a book for him. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  26. October 10, 1929. Brockman, Elizabeth. Marion, VA. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Atlantic City, NJ. Sherwood Anderson is away but will sign Winesbury Ohio when he returns. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  27. October 11, 1929. Sinclair, Upton [Beall]. Pasadena, California. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Received his letter and would be glad to autograph a book for him. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  28. October 11, 1929. White, Stewart Edward. Burlingame, California. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Agrees to autograph one of his books for Ulizio, appreciates his request. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  29. October 14, 1929. Tarkington, S[usannah] C. Kennebunkport, Maine. To [Bernard George Ulizio]. Tells him that Mr. Tarkington will be glad to inscribe his copy of Monsieur Beaucaire. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  30. October 19, 1929. Morley, Christopher [Darlington]. Hoboken, New Jersey. To [B. George] Ulizio. Regrets that he can't autograph his books for Ulizio because he's too busy, hopes he doesn't mind, and agrees to sign them later. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  31. October 24, 1929. Beebe, [Charles] William. New York, NY. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Agrees to autograph a book. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  32. October 24, 1929. Brockman, Elizabeth. Marion, VA. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Atlantic City, NJ. Sherwood Anderson is away but will sign book when he returns. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  33. October 28, 1929. [Van Dyke, Henry]. Princeton, NJ. To B. George Ulizio. Atlantic City, NJ. Will be glad to autograph a book for him [typed letter] 1 p.
  34. October 29, 1929. [Hergesheimer, Joseph]. Westchester, Penn. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. His secretary Judith Hart writes to thank him for his letter and asks him to send The Three Black Pennys to be inscribed. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  35. October, 1929. Churchill, Winston. Groton, [MA]. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Agrees to autograph a book for him. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  36. November 1, 1929. Wister, Owen. Autograph. [autograph document, signed] 1 p.
  37. November 23, 1929. Tarkington, Susannah. Indianapolis. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Deeply regrets having misplaced Ulizio's copy of Monsieur Beaucaire, will replace the copy if he sends a description. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  38. November 24, 1929. Wilson, Harry Leon. Carmel, Calif. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Autographs Ulizio's copy of Bunker Bean and sends it to him. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  39. December 8, 1929. Tarkington, Susannah. Indianapolis. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Explains that she's attempting to replace his lost Monsieur Beaucaire. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  40. December, 13 1929. Deland, Margaret [Wade (Campbell)]. To [Bernard George Ulizio.] Will be pleased to sign his copy of Old Chester Tales. Accompanied by a letter from Deland's secretary on the printing of the book. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  41. December 14, 1929. [Deland, Margaret Wade (Campbell)]. Kennebunkport, Maine. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Her secretary, Alice Rollins, sends his copy of Old Chester Tales and regrets that it had been mislaid. [typed letter] 1 p.
  42. December 25, 1929. Skinner, Otis. New York. To Paul Curtis. Thanks him for his assistance. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  43. February 6, 1930. Hammett, Dashiell. New York, NY. To Logan. Thanks him for introducing his books to the Argus Book Shop. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  44. February 12, 1930. Tarkington, Susannah. Indianapolis. To [Bernard] George Ulizio. Continues her search for the lost Monsieur Beaucaire. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  45. March 12, 1930. Tarkington, Susannah. Indianapolis. To B[ernard] G[eorge] Ulizio. Is pleased that he received Monsieur Beaucaire and apologizes for the mistake. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  46. April 7, 1930. Fisk, Earl E[llsworth]. Green Bay, Wisc. To R.A. Brewer, Detroit. Discusses his private printing of A.E. Coppard's The Gollan. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  47. April 22, 1930. Wilson, Harry Leon. Carmel, Calif. To B[ernard George] Ulizio. Thanks him for sending a first edition of Bunker Bean, mentions his collection of his own works. [typed letter, signed]
  48. May 1, 1930. Merivale, Philip. New York, NY. To [Daniel] Frohman. Thanks him for his kind words about his theater work. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  49. August 9, 1930. [Farrar], John [Chipman]. To Sidney [Clar] Williams. Philadephia, PA. Sends copy of Big Business Girl for review. [typed letter, signed by secretary] 1 p.
  50. September 12, 1930. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston. To Thomas J. Cannon, Inc. New York, NY. Gives date of publication of Willa Cather's My Antonia as September 21, 1918. [typed letter] 1 p.
  51. September 18, 1930. McFee, [William]. Westport, Conn. To J.A. Powers. Offers to autograph a book. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  52. November 3, 1930. Price, Lucien. Nahant, Mass. To [Elrich B.] Davis. [Cleveland.] Thanks him for his hospitality, praises his writing, comments upon the act of journalism. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  53. January 24, 1931. Kent, Rockwell. Ausable Forks, NY. To Mr. McKenney. Clears up an ambiguity in N. by E. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  54. February 24, 1931. Wilson, Harry Leon. Carmel, Calif. To B[ernard] G[eorge] Ulizio. Explains that he would be happy to sign Ulizio's copy of Zig-Zag Tales. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  55. May 15, 1931. Wilson, Harry Leon. Carmel, Calif. To B[ernard] G[eorge] Ulizio. Sends copy of Zig-Zag Tales and aplogizes for the delay, mentions his manuscripts and a new story. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  56. May 19, 1931. Wilson, Harry Leon. Carmel, Calif. To B[ernard] G[eorge] Ulizio. Regrets that he knows very little about editions of Bunker Bean. Suggests the publishers Doubleday, Doran, and Co. for more information. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  57. November 20, 1931. Perkins, P[ercival] D[ensmore]. Montebello, California. To [John C.] Eckel. Wishes more details about Japanese reprint frauds, mentions Lafcadio Hearn and his biographer, Ichikawa. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  58. November 21, 1931. Prokosch, Frederic. New Haven, CT. To Siegfried Sassoon. Presents the book of poems, The Man at the White Cape, to Sassoon and thanks him for his encouragement and advice. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p. [This letter was laid in The Man at the White Cape, call number PS3531.R78 M36 1931.]
  59. December 7, 1931. Perkins, P[ercival] D[ensmore]. Montebello, California. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Thanks him for sending information about Lafcadio Hearn, discusses different printings of Fairy Tales. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  60. December 23, 1931. Morley, Christopher [Darlington]. New York, NY. To [Walter A.] Carter. [Cleveland.] Christmas wishes. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  61. December 31, 1931. McCulley, Johnston. New York, NY. To H.A. McComas. New York, NY. Sends copy of his The Flaming Stallion which he dedicated to McComas. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  62. [1931]. Prokosch, Frederic. New Haven, CT. To Siegfried Sassoon. Prokosch presents his booklet of poems, The Captive, to Sassoon and invites his criticism of it. [autograph letter, signed] 2p. [Includes a clipping with two poems by Prokosch.] [This item was laid in The Captive, call number PS3531.R78 C37 1931.]
  63. January 2, 1932. Perkins, P[ercival] D[ensmore]. Montebello, California. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Thanks him for allowing him to examine two of Lafcadio Hearn's works, discssues their binding and others. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  64. February 13, 1932. L[emperly], P[aul]. Lakewood, Ohio. To [Harvey A] Schwab. Concerning the books of Thomas Burke. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  65. March 21, 1932. Perkins, P[ercival] D[ensmore]. Montebello, California. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Hopes the missing package will be found. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  66. March 23, 1932. L[emperly], P[aul]. Lakewood, Ohio. To H[arvey] A. S[chwab]. Concerning the boks of Thomas Burke. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  67. April 19, 1932. Gannett, Lewis S[tiles]. Autograph. [autograph document, signed] 1 p.
  68. May 31, 1932. Perkins, P[ercival] D[ensmore]. Montebello, California. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Akss him to check the date in his copy of Goblin Spider. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  69. July 5, 1932. Perkins, P[ercival] D[ensmore]. Montebello, California. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Thanks him for sending a copy of Hearn's Insect and Garden Poetry, returns his copy of Goblin Spider, discusses copyright dates of Harper's Fifth Reader. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by a typed page of bibliographical description for Harper's Fifth Reader.
  70. July 21, 1932. Perkins, P[ercival] D[ensmore]. Montebello, California. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Thanks him for sending The Goblin Spider, gives him a copy of La Arana Duende. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  71. August 25, 1932. Perkins, P[ercival] D[ensmore]. Montebello, California. To B[ernard] G[eorge] Ulizio. Is glad that he was pleased with the Spanish Goblin Spider, lists Hearn's works that his collection lacks, invites him to a Hearn commemoration at his home. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  72. October 19, 1932. Deland, Margaret [Wade (Campbell)]. Kennebunkport, Maine. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Answers questions about publication of some of her books. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  73. October 24, 1932. Bigelow, Poultney. Malden-on-Hudson, NY. To Mrs. Alton B. Parker. New York. Tells illness of his wife and death of his sister. [autograph postcard, signed] 1 p.
  74. November 3, 1932. Deland, Margaret [Wade (Campbell)]. Kennebunkport, Maine. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Writes about her first book, The Old Garden. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  75. November 29, 1932. Sutro, Alfred. San Francisco. To Gilbert H. Doane. Lincoln, Nebraska. Is sending him a copy of Which: Lord Byron or Lord Byron. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.

Box 6
Folder -- Contents

  1. January 27, 1933. Mencken, H[enry] L[ouis]. Baltimore. To Reifsneider. Thanks her for writing, agrees to visit her when he's in Washington. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  2. June 12, 1933. Lee, Alfred P[yle]. Phildalphia. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Discusses The Eighth Sin and thanks him for lending several copies. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  3. June 15, 1933. Lee, Alfred P[yle]. Philadelphia. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Apologizes for sending the wrong letter. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  4. June 19, 1933. Lee, Alfred P[yle]. Philadelphia. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Thanks him for forwarding the letter sent to him by mistake. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  5. October 16, 1933. Stribling, Thomas Sigismund. Clifton, Tenn. To H[arry] W[arren] Schwartz. Mentions his book Cruise of the Dry Dock. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  6. November 2, 1933. Seldes, Gilbert [Vivian]. New York, NY. To Harold [Wallace] Ross. New York, NY. Asks for a list of Ring Lardner's contributions to The New Yorker. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  7. December 7, 1933. Rasor, James A. Massillion, Ohio. To Gilbert [Vivian] Seldes. New York, NY. Offers to send him scrapbooks of Ring Lardner articles. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  8. December 12, 1933. Rasor, James A. Massillon, Ohio. To Gilbert [Vivian] Seldes. New York, NY. Is sending Ring Lardner scrapbooks, tells a little about himself. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  9. December 21, 1933. Lardner, Ring. New York, NY. To Ted Coy. Will not send a picture. Will send a book. Invites Coy to visit.
  10. December 21, 1933. Rasor, James A. Massillon, Ohio. To Gilbert [Vivian] Seldes. New York, NY. Asks if Lardener scrapbooks have arrived. [typed postcard] 1 p.
  11. December 27, 1933. Hester, Sarah M. (Mrs. Francis O. Hester). San Angelo, Texas. To Scribner & Co. New York, NY. Reports on publication of Ring Lardner articles. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  12. January 23, 1934. Nathan, Robert. New York City. To [Peter] Brandsman. Chicago. Comments on policy of Modern Library. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  13. January 31, 1934. Wright, Palmer. Chicago, Ill. To Gilbert [Vivian] Seldes. [New York]. Regrets copies of Ring Lardner articles did not arrive, will send new copies. [telegram] 1 p.
  14. February 14, 1934. Allen, Harvey. New York, NY. To Mrs. Alton Broks Parker. New York, NY. Appeal for contribution to the United Hospital Fund of New York. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  15. February 16, 1934. Masters, E[dgar] L[ee]. New York. To Arthur E. DuBois. Answers his request for the manuscript "This Century is Waning" for the Avenue. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Manuscript enclosed.
  16. May 20, 1934. Robinson, E[dwin] A[rlington]. Boston. To [Arthur] DuBois. Thanks him for his letter, regrets that he cannot comply with DuBois's request. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  17. December 11, 1934. Perkins, P[ercival] D[ensmore]. South Pasadena, California. To Mr. Levinson. Sends him some Lafcadio Hearn material, encloses a list of items he is willing to sell or exchange. [typed letter, copy] 1 p.
  18. December 30, 1934. Perkins, P[ercival] D[ensmore]. South Pasadena, California. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Encloses a summary of his activities and research, thanks him for visiting, offers to look for Hearn material [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by the summary, two letters addressed to Perkins, and a memo to the Department Heads from Leslie E. Bliss of the Huntington Library.
  19. January 8, 1935. Perkins, P[ercival] D[ensmore]. South Pasadena, California. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Regrets that they were unable to meet earlier, mentions the Japanese scholar Dr. Sakanishi. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  20. January 17, 1935. Lee, Alfred P[yle]. Philadelphia. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Discusses The Eighth Sin and asks him to send his copies. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  21. February 24, 1935. Hurston, Zora Neale. To [Edward] McGehee. Montgomery, Ala. Thanks McGehee for his kindness, explains that she is sending a copy of her book, Jonah's Gourd Vine, as an expression of her gratitude, explains that in her writings she has no intention of being an "apologist for the Negro race." [typed letter, signed] 1 p. With a two-page typed copy of the letter and Hurston's photograph (newspaper clipping).
  22. March 28, 1935. Lee, Alfred P[yle]. Philadelphia. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Asks him to send his copies of Morley's The Eighth Sin to photostat the inscribed pages for his bibliography. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  23. April 2, 1935. Lovett, Robert Morss. Chicago, Illinois. To Arthur DuBois. Mentions that he will send an article for E.L.H. when he has time. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  24. April 4, 1935. Lee, Alfred P[yle]. Philadelphia. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Thanks him for the loan of his Morley material. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  25. July 22, 1935. Rascoe, Burton. Larchmont, NY. To Arthur E[dwin] DuBois. Asks if he has any works to be considered for publication (for Doubleday, Doran, and Co.). [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  26. September 24, 1935. Kurtz, Benjamin P[utnam]. Berkeley, California. To [Raymond Dexter] Havens. Agrees to write a review for Henri Peyre's Shelley et la France. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  27. October 3, 1935. Hultz, Helen L[orraine] New York, NY. To [Orson] Lowell. Thanks him for sketches for The Great Sea Dragon. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  28. October 25, 1935. Rascoe, Burton. Larchmont, New York. To Arthur E. DuBois. States his occupation, requests that DuBois contact him regarding the progress of any book DuBois might be preparing. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  29. December 22, 1935. [Lewisohn], Ludwig. Burlington, VT. To Stephen [Samuel Wise]. Discusses his upcoming eight week lecture trip, displays desire to write for Opinion, discusses delaly in writing of novel called Trumpet of Jubilee. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by a copy of a letter from Lewisohn to Wise. October 9, 1939.
  30. January 5, 1936. Davis, Cherardi. New York, NY. To Mrs. [Theodore] Bailey. Asks Mr. and Mrs. Bailey to dinner. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  31. April 29, 1936. Gannett, Lewis [Stiles]. New York. To J. John Munson. New York. Tells of appreciation of book. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  32. July 1, 1936. Snow, Wilbert. Spruce Head Maine. To [Harold James] Baily. Invites Baily to visit. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  33. August 24, 1936. [Benet], Bill [William Rose]. Peterboro, NH. To Joe [Joseph Auslander. Monticello, NY.] Agrees to write an introduction to a book by Auslander, discusses which of Auslander's poems to use in the Oxford Anthology of American Poetry. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  34. September 8, 1936. Tietjens, Euince. New York. To George. Sends a check to cover the costs of damages to his house. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  35. October 24, 1936. Smart, David A. Chicago. To Walter Greenlee. Sends Greenlee a specially bound advance copy of Vol. I, No. 1 of Coronet. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  36. December 1, 1936. David, Gherardi. New York, NY. To Mrs. Theodore Bailey. Asks Mr. and Mrs. Bailey to dinner. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  37. 1936. [Wilder], Charlotte. "Moon in May." Poem.
  38. March 20, 1937. Davis, Gherardi. New York, NY. To Mrs. [Theodore] Bailey. Accepts an invitation. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  39. May 8, 1937. Coffman, L[otus] D[elta]. Minneapolis, Minn. To Ralph W. Pringle. Normal, Ill. Thanks him for the book, comments upon Pringle's work. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  40. August 26, 1937. Burke, Kenneth. Andover, New Jersey. To Arthur [Edwin] DuBois. Thanks him for sending a copy of a review, comments on the review. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  41. September 1, 1937. Adams, James Truslow. Southport, Conn. To Ralph W. Pringle. Normal, Ill. Thanks him for writing about his text book. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  42. December 6, 1937. Weeks, Edward. Boston, Mass. To Ralph W. Pringle. Thanks him for a comment on Herriot's article. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  43. January 21, 1938. Davis, Gherardi. New York, NY. To Mrs. [Theodore] Bailey. Asks Mr. and Mrs. Bailey to dinner. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  44. April 20, 1938. [Jackson], L[aura] R[iding]. Florida. To [William] Targ. Comments on a book. [autograph letter, sign] 2 pp.
  45. December 8, 1938-November 1, 1942. Stuart, Jesse and Deane to Mona, Mack, and Nora McElfresh. [5 letters: 1) Stuart, Jesse to "Mrs. McElfresh," December 8, 1938;  2) Stuart, Jesse to Mona McElfresh, July 1, 1939; 3) Stuart, Jesse to Nora McElfresh, February 28, 1939; 4) Stuart, Jesse to Mona and Mack McElfresh, May 21, 1942; 5) Stuart, Deane to Mona McElfresh, November 1, 1942]
  46. 1938. Austin, Kenneth L. Lincoln's Courtship. Play. 27 l.
  47. 1938. Walinsky, Louis Joseph. Brave New World; based on the novel by Aldous Huxley. 1v. (102p.), [typescript with frequent and significant pencil revisions and excisions throughout]. Dramatic adaptation; included are two photographs of the production along with a newspaper review of the premiere at the Théatre de l'oeuvre (Paris, France). Disbound.
  48. January 29, 1939. Burke, Kenneth. New York. To Arthur DuBois. Thanks him for his Christmas card, discusses the appearance of DuBois's review in SWR, mentions his plans for the summer, speaks of his state of mind regarding "form." [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  49. January 29, 1939. Davis, Gherardi. New York, NY. To Mrs. [Theodore] Bailey. Asks Mr. and Mrs. Bailey to dinner. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  50. January 30, 1939. Long, Haniel. Santa Fe. To Arthur DuBois. Thanks him for his comments in his review, mentions that he will send DuBois a book, Interlinear to Cabeza de Vaca, says that he will include a typed bibliographical note, discssues his teaching experiences, tells why he left teaching, speaks of how his books develop. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  51. April 23, 1939. Davis, Gherardi. [New York.] To Mrs. [Theodore] Bailey. Regrets he cannot come to dinner. [autograph letter. ] 1 p.
  52. May 16, 1939. Calverton, V[ictor] F[rancis]. Baltimore, MD. To Ralph D. Hartman. Cleveland, Ohio. Thanks him for writing about his books. Will autograph a book for him. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  53. May 24, 1939. Roberts, Kenneth [Lewis]. Kennebunkport, Maine. To Gilman's Old Books. Requests a book. [autograph postcard, signed] 1 p.
  54. May 25, 1939. Marshall, James. New York, NY. To John H[enshaw] Crider. Washington, DC. Thanks him for a review. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  55. May 31, 1939. Calverton, V[ictor] F[rancis]. New York, NY. To [Ralph D.] Hartman. [Cleveland]. Writes about his books and The Modern Quarterly which he edits. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  56. July 13, 1939. Ferber, Edna. Easton, Conn. To Ralph W. Pringle. Normal, Ill. Will autograph his book, writes of her home in Connecticut, describes a lecture she gives. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  57. July 27, 1939. Ferber, Edna. Easton, Conn. To [Ralph W.] Pringle. [Normal, IL]. Is glad to sign his book. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  58. August 20, 1939. Kershner, Glenn Robert. Los Angeles. To Fred [Kwis]. Recalls mutual past, hopes he likes book. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  59. November 15, 1939. Roberts, Kenneth [Lewis]. Kennebunkport, Maine. To Gilman's Old Books. Asks them to send a specific book. [autograph postcard, signed] 1 p.
  60. December 12, 1939. Ferber, Edna. Easton, Conn. To [Ralph W.] Pringle. [Normal, IL]. Writes of her family and their activities. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  61. December 26, 1939. Davis, Gherardi. New York, NY. To Mrs. [Theodore] Bailey. Invites Mr and Mrs. Bailey to dinner. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  62. 1939. Snow, Bill [Wilbert]. To [Harold James Baily]. Christmas greeting. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  63. January 11, 1940. Davis, Gherardi. New York, NY. To Mrs. [Theodore] Bailey. Asks about puddings. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp. Accompanied by a Christmas card from Davis and an obituary of Davis.
  64. January 24, 1940. Dreiser, Theodore. Los Angeles, Calif. To Bernard George Ulizio. Philadelphia, PA. Offers to sell some of his manuscripts, prices given. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  65. February 6, 1940. Bacheller, Irving [Addison]. Winter Park, Fla. To Ralph Pringle. Is glad to hear from him, will sign book. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  66. February 15, 1940. Dreiser, Theodore. Hollywood, Calif. To Bernard George Ulizio. Philadelphia, PA. Sorry that Ulizio cannot arrange to purchase some of his manuscripts. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  67. March 20, 1949. [Ulizio, Bernard George. Philadelphia.] To Carl Sandburg. Compliments him on Abraham Lincoln, asks about the publishing of Incidentals and Reckless Ecstasy. [typed letter, copy] 2 pp.
  68. March 25, 1940. Sanburg, Carl. Harbert, Mich. To Bernard George Ulizio. Mentions Incidentals and thanks him for writing. [typed postcard, signed] 1 p.
  69. April 30, 1940. Dreiser, Theodore. Hollywood, Calif. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Agrees to sign Sister Carrie. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  70. May 14, 1940. Dreiser, Theodore. Hollywood, Calif. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Philadelphia, PA. On his "Concerning Dives and Lazarus," criticism of England. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  71. May 27, 1940. Ferber, Edna. Easton, Conn. To [Ralph W.] Pringle. [Normal, IL]. Gives permission to use her account of the Ryan High School operating plan in a book by a Dr. de Young. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  72. August 16, 1940. Hultz, Helen Lorraine. New York, NY. To [Orson] Lowell. Would be glad to have him illustrate her books, mentions recent writing. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  73. September 20, 1940. Altschul, Arthur. Stanford, Conn. To [Walter] Lippmann. Encloses a copy of Steinbeck's letter. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  74. October 11, 1940. Dreiser, Theodore. Los Angeles, Calif. To Bernard George Ulizio. Philadelphia, PA. Expresses his strong opposition to aid for England, discusses his book Is Democracy Worth Saving. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  75. October 30, 1940. Dreiser, Theodore. Hollywood, Calif. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Philadelphia, PA. Opposition to U.S. involvement in Europe expressed. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  76. November 30, 1940. Feiss, Paul Louis. "Rowfant Interlude." Essay. 14 pp.
  77. December 13, 1940. Davis, Gherardi. New York, NY. To Mrs. [Theodore] Bailey. Sends an address, describes three decanters he saw in an antique shop. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  78. 1940. O'Donnell, George Marion. "Opus III." Poem. 1 p. Accompanied by a copy of his poem "Commencement Oration" removed from Poetry, inscribed for Edward McGehee.
  79. 1940. O'Donnell, George Marion. "Pothalamion." Poem. 1 p.
  80. January 21, 1941. Quinn, Arthur H. Philadelphia. To Arthur E. DuBois. States that Poe was registered at the University of Virginia throughout the year 1826, concludes that Poe could not have gone abroad during this time, mentions Poe's tendency to alter facts. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  81. February 18, 1941. Roosevelt, Franklin Delano. Washington, DC. To George B. Ulizio. Letter of appreciation. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  82. March 21, 1941. Ransom, John Crowe. Gambier, Ohio. To Arthur E[dwin] DuBois. Comments on writing and DuBois' "methodology." [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  83. April 11, 1941. Bromfield, Louis. New York, NY. To Gilman. Calls attention to plight of prisoners of Franco in Spain, solicits aid. [copy]. 1 p.
  84. May 26, 1941. Guest, Edgar A[lbert]. Detroit, Mich. To R[alph] F. Perotti. New York, NY. Writes about printing and publication of his first book, Home Rhymes. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Includes Edgar Guest obituary dated August 5, 1959.
  85. December 21, 1941. Ferber, Edna. Easton, Conn. To Ralph W. Pringle. Mentions what she has been doing, thanks him for his comments on Saratoga Trunk and The Land Is Bright. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  86. December 23, 1941. Bacheller, Irving [Addison]. Winter Park, Fla. To Ralph Pringle. [Normal, IL.] Comments upon changing times and values. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  87. December 23, 1941. Cather, Willa. To [Arthur] DuBois. Regrets that she cannot give the Commencement Address, discusses the demands made on her time and her decision to refuse all requests of this type. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  88. 1941. Snow, Wilbert. To Bing [Harold James Baily]. Christmas greeting, lists magazines in which his poems have appeared recently. 1 p.

Box 7
Folder -- Contents

  1. January 7, 1942. Ferber, Edna. Easton, Conn. To Ralph W. Pringle. Says she will autograph a book for his friend. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  2. February 11, 1942. Cather, Willa. [New York]. To [Arthur] DuBois. Thanks him for his letter, discusses the demands made on her time, speaks of her feelings about meeting young college men. [typed letter, signed]
  3. March 9, 1942. Long, Haniel. Santa Fe, New Mexico. To [Arthur E. DuBois]. Informs DuBois of two chapbooks being privately published and sold by him. [postcard] 1 p.
  4. April 2, 1942. Kurtz, Benjamin P[utnam]. Oakland, Calif. To [Raymond Dexter] Havens. Sends a review and makes additional comments. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  5. April 19, 1942. Long, Haniel. Santa Fe, New Mexico. To [Arthur] DuBois. Thanks him for his order, suggests that DuBois' friend write to Spud Johnson of Taos for literary odds and ends. [autograph postcard, signed] 1 p.
  6. June 23, 1942. Naylor, James Ball. Malta, Ohio. To [Lloyd Emerson] Siberel. [Cincinnati]. Gives details about the publication of his poem "King David and King Solomon." [auotgraph letter, signed] 1 p.
  7. November 14, 1942. Finley, Martha [Mrs. John]. New York, NY. To [Ameila Day Campbell] Parker. [New York]. Discusses Poems by John Finley. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  8. June 16, 1943. [Stratton], Leslie. To Elbert K. Fretwell. New York, NY. Comments on his book The Old Priest's Philosophy. [typed letter, signed[ 1 p.
  9. February 19, 1944. Ferber, Edna. New York, NY. To Ralph W. Pringle. Mentions her mother, discusses the importance of teachers, tells him about the land she has bought. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  10. May 5, 1944. Usher, Robert James. New Orleans, Louisiana. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Regarding Ulizio's Lacadio Hearn collection. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  11. December 2, 1944. Ferber, Edna. Stepney Depot, Conn. To Ralph W. Pringle. Tells him she will be going to New York for the winter, mentions her new book Great Son, discusses her mother. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  12. 1944. Speyer, Leonora. "Hot Summer Night." Poem. 1 p.
  13. 1944. S[peyer], L[eonora]. "Little Ballad for Holy Week." Poem. 1 p.
  14. February 12, 1945. Ferber, Edna. [New York]. To Ralph W. Pringle. Mentions his defense of Shakespeare's Coriolanus, thanks him for comments on Great Son. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  15. April 16, 1945. Braden, James A[ndrew]. Everett, Ohio. To Mr. [Lester] Roberts. San Francisco, Calif. Discusses markings and history of editions of Braden's book Far Past the Frontier. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  16. 1945. Bacheller, Irving [Addison]. New York, NY. To [Ralph W.] Pringle. Life in New York, his writing. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  17. January 11, 1947. Link, Henry C[harles]. Scarsdale, New York. To Frank W. Ford. Sends him a copy of The Rediscovery of Morals and asks him for any comments before its publication. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  18. January 24, 1947. Hoeken, W.J. Van Wert, Ohio. To W.G. Fountaine. Columbus, Ohio. Discusses Jim Tolly, Emmett Lawler, and other books. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  19. April 17, 1947. Bright, Robert. [South Norwalk, CT]. To [Anne] Parrish. [Georgetown, CT]. Regrets not thanking her sooner for her comments on his work. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  20. May 2, 1947. Lyndenberg, H[arry] M[iller]. Gatlinburg, Tenn. To Paul [A. Bennet]. [Brooklyn, NY.] Thanks him for arranging a gift of books to the George W. Jones Memorial Library, Birmingham England. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by copies of letters from Bennett to Lyndenberg, William Bower, and Leonard Jay about the gift, and a list of the books in the gift.
  21. June 2, 1947. Ferber, Edna. Stepney, Conn. To Kenneth R. Pringl. Says there is no information on show boats, mentions her distress at hearing that his father (Ralph W. Pringle) is failing. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  22. July 22, 1947. Holden, Richard. Ill Wind. Novel. 410 pp. Pencil corrections and notes, especially in the first quarter of the manuscript. Notes for revisions and corrections at beginning and end. Another version accompanies this, 434 pp.
    Physical Location: Oversized volume. Shelved separately.
  23. November 15, 1947. Dillon, George. Chicago. To Mrs. Levinson. Regarding Karl Shapiro's new book. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  24. November 25, 1947. Long, Haniel. Santa Fe, NM. To Mrs. Morrison. Says her travel book sounds fine and explains that Writers' Editions has discontinued publishing. With autograph note to Farona Konopak at the bottom. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  25. December 11, 1947. Lockridge, Ross, Jr. To Mr. [Franklin Pierce] Adams. Responds to the fact that one of his characters shares a name with Mrs. Adams, shares a source, hopes to meet him.
  26. May 25, 1948. Wright, Jim [James A.]. To Chuck [Charles Harlan]. Sends book by Housman, tells of how much he enjoyed it and hopes Harlan will as well, praises Housman for bridging classical and romantic genres. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  27. October 12, 1948. Wolf, John J. Presidential Suite, a Play in Three Acts. 116 pp.
  28. December 13, 1948. [Vodrey], Joe (Joseph Kelly). Canton, Ohio. To Montgomery Evans (1901-1954), New York, New York. Sends copy of Nathan Van Patten's tribute to Arthur Machen. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Removed from There Are Some Who Mourn: A Tribute to Arthur Machen.
  29. December 29, 1948. Weeks, Edward. Boston, Mass. To Cedric R. Crowell. Port Washington, NY. Accepts an article by Monica Martin for publication in The Atlantic Monthly. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.

Box 8
Folder -- Contents

  1. 1948. Flether, Herbert [Herrick]. Houston, Texas. To Mrs. [James Walker] Cain. Sends her two letters from Bernhardt Wall concerning a miniature book he had etched. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by the letters, each with several pages of the miniature book glued to it, and a letter to Mrs. Viva West from Mrs. Cain concerning the miniature book.
  2. [1948-51]. Ackerman, Gerald. Mrs. Parkinson's Dilemma, a novel. [typed manuscript (carbon)] 314 p.
  3. January 10, 1949. Weeks, Edward. Boston, Mass. To Cedric R. Crowell. Port Washington, NY. Suggests that Monica Martin do a book about her experiences in India. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  4. January 27, 1949. Weeks, Edward. Boston, Mass. To Cedric R. Crowell. Port Washington, NY. Arranges for a meeting with Monica Martin. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by a review of Martin's Out in the Mid-Day Sun from the New York Sun and typed excerpts from 14 other reviews.
  5. March 26, 1949. Zorn, Ray H. Troy Grove, Ill. To R[alph] F. Perotti. Kansas City, MO. Pleased to send him the first issue of The Lovecraft Collector. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by a clipping about the magazine.
  6. June 21, 1949. Van Patten, Nathan, Stanford, CA. To Montgomery Evans, New York, NY. Sends copy of his paper "The Library and the Book Collector." [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Removed from There Are Some Who Mourn: A Tribute to Arthur Machen.
  7. [1949-50]. Ginsberg, Allen. "Stanzas: Written at Night in New York City. [typed poem] 1 p.
    Physical Location: Filed in the map case.
  8. July 15, 1950. Hill, Eldon C. Oxford, Ohio. To [Bernard] George Ulizio. Asks him for information about his copies of Hamlin Garland's works. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  9. November 18, 1950. Chute, Marchette. New York. To [Donald] Mulvihill. Responds to questions he had about her Shakespeare of London. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  10. December 29, 1950. Hill, Eldon C. Oxford, Ohio. To [Bernard] George Ulizio. Thanks him for his help with the Hamlin Garland biography. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  11. January 25, 1951. Hill, Eldon C. Oxford, Ohio. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Thanks him again for helping with the Hamlin Garland biography. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  12. February 8, 1951. Hill, Eldon C. Oxford, Ohio. To B[ernard] George Ulizio. Thanks him for writing. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  13. September 4, 1951. Durant, Will. Lake Hill, NY. To Dehman. Comments on J.C. Powys. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  14. September 10, 1951. Bacon, Leonard. Peace Dale, Rhode Island. To [Leighton] Rollins. Concerning their mutual friend, Katherine Lee Bates. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  15. 1951. Manchester, William [Raymond]. Disturber of the Peace: the Life of H.L. Mencken. 522 pp.
  16. April 19, 1952. Corman, Cid. "When Merlin Was Hot for His Ninian." Poem. 1 p.
  17. July 30, 1952. Mangione, Jerre. New York City. To Ruth Knight. Sends copy of Mount Allegro, encloses Newsweek review. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by clipping.
  18. October 16, 1952. Ellsberg, Edward. Southwest Harbor, Maine. To Mills. Thanks him for his appreciation of Passport for Jennifer. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  19. 1952. [Spencer], Elizabeth. [Bruges]. To [Edward McGehee. London.] Discusses her stay in Bruges and Antwerp, expects to see McGehee in April. [autograph postcard, signed] 1 p.
  20. March 3, 1953. Zorn, Ray H. Troy Grove, Ill. To R[alph] F. Perotti. Kansas City, MO. The Lovecraft Collector has been discontinued, does not know of any Lovecraft colelctions for sale. [typed postcard, signed] 1 p.
  21. March 28, 1953. Zaretsky, Beatrice. Miami. To [Cid Corman]. Dorchester, Mass. Asks for "complimentary" copy of Origin. [autograph postcard, signed] 1 p.
  22. June 9, 1953. Mott, F[rank] L[uther]. Columbia, Missouri. To Ben[jamin Franklin] Grauer. New York, NY. Sends him books in the Oldtime Comments on Journalism series. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by carbon copies of two letters from Grauer to Mott, one asking for a book, the other thanking Mott for it.
  23. December 7, 1953. Walters, E.E. Louisville, KY. To Sam Woll. Thanks him for his kind response to Embryo magazine, informs him when the first issue will arrive. [autograph postcard, signed] 1 p.
  24. 1953. Corman, Cid. Notes. 3 pp.
  25. January 19, 1954. Moore, Marianne. Brooklyn, New York. To Mr. Morris Coleman. Discusses her preferences for the materials to be used in binding her La Fontaine, encloses color samples. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  26. September 3, 1954. Untermeyer, Louis. To [Kenyon] Rosenberg. Comments on a poem Rosenberg sent him. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  27. December 18, 1954. Mott, Frank Luther. Columbia, Missouri. To Ben[jamin Franklin] Grauer. New York, NY. Form letter describing the Oltime Comments on Journalism series. [form letter, signed] 1 p.
  28. April 14, 1955. Mott, F[rank] L[uther]. Columbia, Missouri. To Ben[jamin Franklin] Grauer. New York, NY. Describes No. 5 in the Oldtime Comments on Journalism series. [typed letter, signed] Accompanied by carbon copies of two letters from Grauer to Mott, one asking for a description of No. 5 in the OTCJ series, the other reporting he has found his copy.
  29. July 9, 1955. Stone, Irving. Beverly Hills, California. To Leighton Rollins. Santa Barbara, Calif. Asks Rollins to call him. [autograph postcard, signed] 2 pp.
  30. July 29, 1955. Stone, Irving. Beverly Hills, California. To [Leighton] Rollins. [Santa Barbara, CA.] Accepts an invitation to a concert, makes plans for a luncheon. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  31. August 26, 1955. Elder, Donald. Niles, Mich. To [Matthew J.] Bruccoli. Provides material concerning the newspaper writing of Ring Lardner. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  32. May 5, 1956. Olson, [Charles]. Black Mountain, NC. To K[enyon] Rosenberg. Sends Robert Creeley's address. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  33. June 18, 1956. B[radbury], Ray [Douglas]. [Los Angeles.] To Oscar [Williams]. [Salt Lake City]. Makes plans to meet in Los Angeles. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  34. June 30, 1956. [Hivnor], Bob [Robert Hanks]. To Ed [Edward G. McGehee. Kent, OH.] literary and personal matters. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  35. August 21, 1956. Olson, [Charles]. Black Mountain, NC. To [Kenyon] Rosenberg. Explaining the loss of his manuscript. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  36. October 17, 1956. Turner, W. Price. "Bronze Arse." Poem. 1 p.
  37. 1956. [Crane], T and L[arry Snook.] Metz, France. To Ralph Tutt. Erlangen, Germany. Cryptic message from Army friends. [autograph postcard, signed] 1 p.
  38. May 31, 1958. [Sarton], May. Cambridge, Mass. To Rosalind, Eve, and Jack. Thanks them for a dinner party. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  39. July 22, 1958. Malone, Kemp. Baltimore. To Helen [Scruggs]. Berkeley. Returns her check, promises to autograph a book, has been in Turkey but has research in England. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  40. August 12, 1958. R., Jacques. New York, NY. To Louis Zara. Apologizes for not writing, is looking forward to their meeting. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  41. September 2, 1958. Andrews, Wayne. New York, NY. To Mrs. THomas M. Scruggs. Berkeley, California. Thanks her for her comments on his collection of Edith Wharton's stories, gives locations of Wharton's letters. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  42. December 29, 1958. Lydenberg, Madeliene Day. Westerville, Ohio. To [Paul A.] Bennett. Describes Dr. Lydenberg's health, asks Bennett to answer a letter from Rollo G. SIlver for her. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by Silver's letter, Bennett's letters to Silver and Mrs. Lydenberg, two Christmas cards, clippings, review of Bookmen's Holiday.
  43. 1958. Corso, Gregory. Notebook containing poems, drawings, and addresses by Corso, and a long poem with alternate stanzas by Allen Ginsberg and Corso. 60 l.
  44. 1958. Nin, Anais. New Nork. To DiGenti, Thomas C. Notes saying she will send him a copy of House of Incest. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by a note inscribed to DiGenti, thanking him for his interest in her work.
  45. March 27, 1959. Malone, Kemp. London. To Richard Cook. [San Francisco]. Thanks him for subscribing to book, has a Guggenheim to work on two books about Beowulf. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  46. October 7, 1959. [Weiss], David. New York, NY. To Matthew [Bruccoli]. Will send a review copy of his novel The Spirit and the Flesh if he would like to have it. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  47. October 17, 1959. [Weiss], David. New York, NY. To Matt[hew J. Bruccoli]. About his novel The Spirit and the Flesh. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  48. October 25, 1959. [Weiss], David. New York, NY. To Matt[hew J. Bruccoli]. Plans for a visit, discusses writing.

Box 9
Folder -- Contents

  1. October 30, 1959. [Weiss], David. New York, NY. To Matt[hew J. Bruccoli]. Plans for a visit, glad he will review book. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  2. November 19, 1959. [Weiss], David. New York, NY. To Matt[hew J. Bruccoli]. Discusses the play USA, plans for promoting his book. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  3. December 4, 1959. Snow, Bill [Wilbert]. Middletown, Conn. To Bing [Harold James Baily]. Gives permission to use one of his poems in an article. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  4. 1959. Weiss, David. "Sacred and Profane". The first and last chapters of his novel published under the title The Spirit and the Flesh. [typed document] 25 pp.
  5. January 12, 1960. [Everett]. Wright. Ridgefield, CT. To Ken [Pringle]. Kent, Ohio. Hopes they get together, reports on sales of his book, recommends The Pink Slip, enjoys work at American Home. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  6. 1960. [Zimmer], Paul. San Francisco. To Dr. [Kenneth] Pringle. Sends book, asks his opinion. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  7. March 2, 1961. [Weiss, David]. New York, NY. To Matt[hew J. Bruccoli]. Concerning his new book which had been turned down by Doubleday. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  8. December 9, 1961. Zukofsky, Louis. Brooklyn, NY. To Jim Lowell. Cleveland. Sends him No. 1 of his new book "for loyalty," discusses James Russell Lowell in Bottom. [autograph card, signed] 2 l. Includes note from Celia Zukofsky.
  9. January 4, 1962. Zukofsky, Louis. Brooklyn, NY. To Jim Lowell. Cleveland. Informs him of new address, would like to see him. [autograph postcard, signed] 1 p.
  10. March 12, 1962. [Macauley], Robie. Gambier, Ohio. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. [Kent, OH]. Thanks him for the party, invites him to Gambier. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  11. March 16, 1962. Bradbury, Ray. "Tyrannosaurus Rex." Story. [typed document, signed] 29 pp. Published in the Saturday Evening Post June 23, 1962 under the title "The Prehistoric Producer."
  12. April 6, 1962. Dorn, Ed[ward]. Pocatello, Idaho. To Hank Chapin. Thanks him for writing, says he'll send Chapin some poems. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  13. May 13, 1962. Dorn, Ed[ward]. Pocatello, Idaho. To Hank Chapin. Sends poem to Chapin and apologizes for the delay. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  14. August 2, 1962. Dorn, Ed[ward]. Pocatello, Idaho. To Hank Chapin. Discusses a recent trip and the magazine Blue Grass. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  15. August 18, 1962. Dorn, Ed[ward]. Pocatello, Idaho. To Hank Chapin. Comments on ways to publicize Chapin's magazine Blue Grass. [typed postcard, signed] 1 p.
  16. September 4, 1962. Dorn, Ed[ward]. Pocatello, Idaho. To Hank Chapin. Gives suggestions for Chapin's Blue Grass magazine, recommends Tom Raworth as a writer. [autograph postcard, signed] 1 p.
  17. September 21, 1962. Dorn, Ed[ward]. Pocatello, Idaho. To Hank Chapin. Mentions Tom Raworth and Henry David Thoreau. [autograph postcard, signed] 1 p.
  18. October 15, 1962. McClure, Michael. San Francisco, Calif. To David Schaff. New Haven, Conn. Sends poems, addresses of other poets. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  19. November 6, 1962. [McClure, Michael]. San Francisco, Calif. To David Schaff. New Haven, Conn. Discusses his new book. [typed letter fragment] 2 pp.
  20. November 21, 1962. McClure, Michael. San Francisco, Calif. To David Schaff. New Haven, Conn. Sends poems for his magazine, lists books and essays. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  21. May 8, 1963. Risi, Nelo. Rome. To Will Petersen. Comments on Petersen's marriage and on Origin magazine. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  22. September 1, 1963. Eckman, Frederick. Bowling Green, Ohio. To Mr. [Jim] Lowell. Discusses his works that have been published to date, speaks of the slow process through which he composes his work and his habit of disposing of his manuscripts. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  23. October 13, 1963. [Weiss], David. New York, NY. To Matt[hew J. Bruccoli]. Personal notes. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  24. November 10, 1963. Thompson, Larry [Lawrence Roger]. Princeton, NJ. To Katherine Mass. Thanks her for her letter about his TV appearance. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Copy of letter of Mass to Thompson from November 6, 1963.
  25. November 20, 1963. Eckman, Fred[erick]. To Jim Lowell. Sends Lowell a copy of Hot & Cold: Running as a gift, discusses work of Linda Wagner and novel of Robert Creeley. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  26. December 19, 1963. Eckman, Fred[erick]. [Bowling Green, OH]. To [Jim Lowell]. Wishes him Merry Christmas, written on card with his piece "The Snow Story." [printed card, signed] 2 l.
  27. 1963. [Weiss], David. [New York]. To Matt[hew J. Bruccoli]. Note about display of his new book appended to an invitation to a party for his novel Naked Came I. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  28. 1963. Williams, Jonathan. Highlands, NC. To Mr. [Matthew] Bruccoli. Sends jargon brochures, inquires about Roy Harvey Pearce. [typed card, signed] 1 p. On verso of Williams' "Davenport Gap."
  29. September 23, 1964. Houghton, Arthur A., Jr. New York City. To Mr. [William J.] Riley. Port Washington, NY. Appreciates his good wishes on Houghton's election at the Metropolitan Museum, informs him his copy of Tottel's Miscellany is scarce but not unique. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  30. January 12, 1965. Slater, John Rothwell. "Who Was Haniel Long?" 9 pp. Accompanied by a note by Anton V. Long and clippings about Slater.
  31. January 31, 1965. [Bahr], Leonard. Harper Woods, Mich. To Matt[hew J. Bruccoli]. Glad he is pleased with the bookplate, sends portfolio. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  32. August 12, 1965. Starrett, Vincent. Chicago, ILl. To Matthew J. Bruccoli. Evanston, Ill. Will meet him to discuss Stephen Crane and Ring Lardner. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  33. September 9, 1965. [Baumbach], John [Jonathon]. University Heights, NY. To Matt[hew Bruccoli]. [Columbus]. Tells him book is on the way, that he's looking for a job. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  34. December 21, 1965. Eckman, Fred[erick]. [Bowling Green, Ohio]. To [Jim Lowell]. Will attempt to see him during vacation. Written on printed pamphlet with his piece "Advent." [printed pamphlet, signed] 3 l.
  35. December, 1965. Gleason, Madeline. [San Francisco]. To John [Edmunds] & B. Sends him a poem she wishes he would set, Christmas and New Year's greetings. Enclosed is a photograph of Gleason, a poem, and two photocopies. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  36. 1965. Creeley, Robert. A note on the Black Mountain Review. [typed document, signed] 1 p.
  37. January-February, 1966. Blackburn, Paul. "16 Sloppy Haikus" and "A Lyric for Robert Reardon." Poems. 5 pp. Accompanied by letter from Paul Blackburn, New York. To D.A. levy. June 13, 1966. Discusses his plans for the summer, enclosing the poems, includes two short poems "Definition 3" and "The Young." [typed letter, signed] 12 p.
  38. May 23, 1966. [Samperi], Frank. To Will [Petersen]. Discusses his reading, personal matters. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  39. June 19, 1966. [Samperi], Frank. To Will [Petersen]. Discusses his writing. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  40. June 19, 1966. Samperi, Frank. The Prefiguration. 73 pp. Inscribed by Samperi to Will Petersen.
  41. July 22, 1966. Levertov, Denise. Temple, Maine. To Stephen Berg. [Philadelphia]. Discusses her contribution to the Naked Poetry anthology edited by Berg and Robert Mezey. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp. Accompanied by an undated postcard, an undated letter, and a letter dated March 5, 1967, all from Levertov to Berg, and a mimeographed copy of Levertov's Poetry essay "Some Notes on Organic Form" with holograph corrections.
  42. December 8, 1966. [Kohn], John. New York City. To Matt [Bruccoli]. Columbus, Ohio. Reports sale of H.L. Mencken book to Yale, sends request of Norman Holmes Pearson. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  43. December 24, 1966. Eckman, Fred[erick] and Martha. [Bowling Green, OH]. To [Jim Lowell]. Sends card with his piece "A Christmas Note to My Mother, In Heaven." [printed card, signed] 2 l.
  44. December, 1966. Edel, Leon. Preface to Henry James's The Bostonians. [typed document, signed] 8 pp. Enclosed is a letter describing the preface by Edel, New York, NY to David Carver, New York, NY. February 2, 1967.
  45. 1966. McCord, Howard. "The Vision of Rumplestiltskin." Essay. 10pp. Second chapter of a projected book to be called The Odd Book.
  46. 1966. Wagner, Donald R. "The Day Is a Prayer They Can't Understand!" 21 pp. Introduction by Tom Kryss.
  47. February 20, 1967. Moore, Beatrice. Carbondale, Ill. Matthew J. Bruccoli. Columbus, Ohio. Concerning proof for Aldington's Soft Answers. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  48. March 8, 1967. Moore, Beatrice R. Carbondale, Ill. To Matthew J. Bruccoli. Columbus, Ohio. Concerning publication of Aldington's Soft Answers. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  49. March 18, 1967. Kuehl, John. New York, NY. To Matt[hew J. Bruccoli]. Sends copy of his novel The Fool-Spy and asks help in promoting it. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  50. April 5, 1967. Matthews, William. [Chapel Hill, NC]. To M[atthew] J. Bruccoli. Thanks him for his interest in Lillabulero. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  51. April 26, 1967. [Zimmer], Paul. Pittsburgh. To Ed [McGehee]. Reports return to the midwest, announces book, calls McGehee "an unforgettable influence on my formative years," informs him of mention by James Dickey. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  52. July 10, 1967. [Samperi], Frank. To Will [Petersen]. Discusses his writing. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  53. July 17, 1967. Plath, Sylvia. Birth certificate, certified copy. [autograph and printed document] 1 p.
  54. September 11, 1967. Turner, Robert [Harry]. Hollywood, California. To [Robert G.] Hayman. [Carey, OH]. Writes about his career. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  55. October 7, 1967. Wilson, John Harold (1900-) Is Shakespeare Dead? Typescript of a speech delivered at the English Association of Ohio meeting. Printed on rectos only. [typescript, signed] 13 pp.
  56. November 14, 1967. [Zimmer], Paul. [Pittsburgh]. To Edward McGehee. Thanks him for a "splendid party," invites McGehee to visit. [autograph note, signed] 1 p.
  57. November 19, 1967. [Olson, Charles]. Gloucester, Mass. To Mr. [Martin] Duberman. New York City. Explains the lack of files at Black Mountain College in the '50's, discusses college's best-known students, recalls baseball game, suggests not seeing him until book is finished, asks about John Rice. [autograph letter] 19 pp.
  58. 1967. [Carruth, Hayden]. "The Brook." Poem. 1 p.
  59. March 27, 1968. [Vonnegut], Kurt. West Barnstable, Mass. To Matt[hew J. Bruccoli]. [Columbus.] Expresses interest in writing essay about Uncle Tom's Cabin and asks for deadline, comments on his writing of Slaughterhouse-Five and on David Slavitt and his novel, The Exhibitionist. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  60. May 10, 1968. [Zimmer], Paul. Pittsburgh. To Ed [McGehee]. Kent, Ohio. Invites him to visit, asks him to send manuscript, reports Hayden Carruth will anthologize him. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  61. May 15, 1968. Creeley, Robert. Receipt for fee received for appearance at Kent State University, May 13, 14, and 15, 1968. [typed document, signed] 1 p.
  62. June 10, 1968. [Vonnegut], Kurt. West Barnstable, Mass. To Matt[hew J. Bruccoli]. [Columbus]. Accepts terms for essay about Uncle Tom's Cabin and deadline of August 1, 1968. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  63. June 17, 1968. Ramsey, Paul. London. To Alistair McCann. Regarding the forwarding of Ramsey's mail. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  64. June 24, 1968. Hugo, Ian. New York, NY. To Richard Centing. Comments on his film Ian Hugo - Engraver and Film Maker. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  65. July 1, 1968. Bita, Lili. College Point, NY. To [?]. Sends a copy of her book of poems, three new poems, and a copy of a letter of introduction from Anais Nin, with the hope the reader will publish her work. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  66. July 8, 1968. Vonnegut, Kurt. West Barnsdale, Mass. To R. Frank Bitner. Columbus, Ohio. Returns contracts with Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, unsigned, refuses to accept another deadline, his schedule is too full. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  67. July 15, 1968. Garner, Michael. New York, NY. To The Asphodel Bookshop. Encloses a copy of This and ... magazine, hoping the bookshop will accept it on consignment. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by a self-addressed postcard to be returned if the bookshop accepts his request.
  68. September 12, 1968. [Ramsey], Paul. Signal Mountain, TN. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. Regarding Ramsey's research, his new position, and personal matters. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  69. October 9, 1968. Hugo, Ian. New York, NY. To Richard Centing. Expresses concern over confusion with Centing's bookings of his films. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  70. December 10, 1968. National Book Committee. Materials regarding presentation of the 1968 National Medal for Literature to Marianne Moore, including a program signed by Marianne Moore.
  71. December 16, 1968. Hivnor, Bob [Robert Hanks]. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. Literary and personal matters. Includes a Christmas card with photographs of Hivnor and his family. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  72. December, 1968. Eckman, Fred[erick]. To Jim [Lowel]. Expresses sympathy over d.a. levy's death, written on xerox copy of Eckman's piece "In the Days of Death." [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  73. 1968. Sandoz, Mari. Eight copies of maps which accompanied or were related to her writings. Accompanied by a letter from the executor of Sandoz's estate describing the maps.

Box 10
Folder -- Contents

  1. January 9, 1969. Callahan, John M. Barron's Simplified Approach to Mourning Becomes Electra by Eugene O'Neill. [typed document, signed] 132 pp. Included is a copy of the publisher's agreement with the author.
  2. January 28, 1969. Hivnor, Bob [Robert Hanks]. New York. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. [Kent, OH.] Literary and personal matters. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  3. February 14, 1969. DiPalma, Raymond. Bowling Green, Ohio. To [James R.] Lowell. [Cleveland, OH.] Orders books, encloses an elegy for d.a. levy. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by "The Noon News," poem.
  4. February 18, 1969. [Redding], Saunders. Washington, DC. To Ed [McGehee]. Kent, Ohio. Hopes to see him in Kent. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  5. March 5, 1969. Engels, John [David]. Winooski, VT. To M[atthe] Bruccoli. Columbus, Ohio. Suggests that he collaborate with Marie Henault on the Ezra Pound Guide. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  6. March 10, 1969. Engels, J[ohn David]. Winooski, VT. To [Matthew] Bruccoli. Discusses W.C. Williams' Guide. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  7. March 10, 1969. [Zimmer], Paul. Pittsburgh. To Ed [McGehee]. Kent, Ohio. Urges him to visit, gives news of family and friends, relays request for Jacob Leed. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  8. March 11, 1969. [Redding], Jay. Washington, DC. To Ed [McGehee]. Kent, Ohio. Thanks him, will consider offer from Kent State. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  9. April 1, 1969. [Hardwick], Eliz[abeth]. Spain. To [Edward McGehee]. Talks of travels in Spain. [autograph postcard, signed] 1 p. With notecard from Hardwick.
  10. June 12, 1969. Hivnor, Bob [Robert Hanks]. New York. To Ed[ward McGehee]. [Oxford, England]. Literary and personal matters. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  11. July 28, 1969. [Zimmer], Paul. Pittsburgh. To Ed [McGehee]. Oxford, England. Asks him to send manuscript, seeks publisher for anthology of moon poems. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  12. August 13, 1969. Z[immer], Paul. Pittsburgh. To Peg [Stopher]. Kent, Ohio. Acknowledges receipt of Edward McGehee's manuscript, wishes her better health, sends greetings to friends at the university. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  13. August 29, 1969. Zimmer, Paul. [Pittsburgh]. To Ed[ward McGehee]. [Kent, OH]. Explains that the University of Pittsburgh Press cannot do McGehee's manuscript on John Aubrey due to financial expense of the project. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. With one page of the Director-Editor's report on the manuscript.
  14. October 8, 1969. [Witt-Diamant, Ruth]. To Robert [Duncan]. Draft of letter asking for his help in finding a publisher for a selection of poems by Madeline Gleason. [autograph letter] 2 pp.
  15. October 18, 1969. [Witt-Diamant, Ruth]. San Francisco. To Alan Brilliant. Draft of a letter discussing missing him when visiting his press, would like to meet and sdiscuss brining out a volume of poems by Madeline Gleason. [autograph letter] 1 p.
  16. November 21, 1969. [Sutherland], James [Runcieman]. New York, NY. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. Regarding promotion and personal matters. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  17. November 25, 1969. Centing, Richard. Cloumbus, O. To Jerzy Kosinski. New York, NY. Discusses article on Anais Nin by Kosinski for Centing's journal. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  18. November 27, 1969. [Kosinski], Jerzy H. New York, NY. To Richard [Centing]. [Columbus, OH]. Writes about an interview about Anais Nin, encloses some further thoughts on the subject. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by notes taken at a lecture by Kosinski at Bowling Green State University, November 19, 1969, a biogrpahical sketch, a copy of an article from the BG News, two reviews of Being There, ads for Steps.
  19. December 10, 1969. Hivnor, Bob [Robert Hanks]. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. [Kent, OH]. Literary and personal matters. Includes Christmas card. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  20. December 15, 1969. Eckman, Frederick. [Bowling Green, OH]. To [Jim Lowell]. Wishes Lowell well on card with his peice "I Am Going to Say." [printed card, signed] 2 l.
  21. December, 1969. Freitag, Tencie. [San Bernardino, CA]. To Kathryn Bachtel. [Canton, OH]. Thanks her for writing to her husband's parents when he died, discusses George Freitag's final hospitalization and his last publications. [autograph card, signed] 2 l. Accompanied by obituaries and clippings.
  22. 1969. [Hardwick], Eliz[abeth]. [New York]. To E[dward McGehee]. [Kent, OH]. Inquires as to whether or not McGehee received gifts that she sent for his house, expresses joy over having seen him again. [autograph postcard, signed] 1 p. With newspaper clipping about Hardwick and post-label from gifts she sent to McGehee.
  23. February 1, 1970. [Sutherland], James [Runcieman]. New York, NY. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. Regarding McGehee's promotion and personal matters. [typed letter, signed] 2 pp.
  24. April 17, 1970. Dowden, George. Brighton, England. To Jim [Lowell]. About his books. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  25. May 17, 1970. [Hivnor], Bob [Robert Hanks]. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. [Kent, OH]. Personal matters. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  26. May 25, 1970. [Hivnor], Bob [Robert Hanks]. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. [Kent, OH]. Mentions trip to Mexico. Includes New York Times article (May 20, 1970) on Pres. Nixon naming a panel to study the Kent State University shootings. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  27. July 26, 1970. Hugo, Ian. New York, NY. To Richard Centing. Thanks him for writing and sending synopses. Comments on some of his films. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp. Accompanied by two pamphlets, a copy of a letter from Wallace Stevens, and some synopses of Hugo's films.
  28. September 19, 1970. Bellamy, Joe [David]. Mansfield, Penn. To George [Thompson]. [Covington, KY]. Sent with first issue of The Falcon, discusses COSMEP. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  29. November 5, 1970. Hivnor, Bob [Robert Hanks]. San Miguel de Allende, [Mexico]. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. [Kent, OH]. Literary and personal matters. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  30. November 13, 1970. Purdy, James. Brooklyn, NY. To Richard Centing. Thanks him for sending review of his book, expresses interest in Centing's Anais Nin newsletter. [autograph letter, singed] 1 p.
  31. [December 15, 1970?]. [Ramsey], Bets and Paul. To [Edward G. McGehee]. Regarding Ramsey's research and personal matters. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  32. December 20, 1970. Doyle, Mike. Victoria, BC. To Ed[ward] Dorn. Review of Gunslinger in Tuatara 4, invites him to submit poem. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  33. 1970. Gildzen, Alex. "Allison." Poem.
  34. 1970. [Hoffman], M[ichael E.]. To Jonathan [Williams] Sends a book to consider for the Jargon Press. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  35. [After December 15, 1970]. [Ramsey], Bets. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. Regarding her husband, Paul's completed book and personal matters. [autograph letter, singed] 1 p.
  36. January 17, 1971. [Morris], Richard. San Francisco. To George [Thompson]. [Covington, KY]. Discusses Thompson's article to be published in COSMEP Newsletter. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  37. January 18, 1971. Hugo, Ian. New York, NY. To Richard Centing. Thanks him for sending the Wallace Stevens Newsletter. Explains that his letter from Wallace Stevens was stolen. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  38. January 25, 1971. [Hivnor], Bob [Robert Hanks]. San Miguel de Allende, [Mexico]. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. Literary and personal matters. [typed letter, singed] 1 p.
  39. May 31, 1971. Doyle, Mike. Victoria. BC. To Ed[ward] Dorn. Sends him a copy of Tuatara. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  40. June, 1971. Bukowski, Charles. Untitled article on d.a. levy. [typed document] 2 pp.
  41. July 27, 1971. Purdy, James. Brooklyn, NY. To Richard Centing. Discusses his feelings about critics, thanks him for sending Anais Nin book, mentions two of his recently completed books. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by copy of two news releases relating to musical setting of Purdy poems.
  42. July, 1971. Morris, James Ryan. To Jim [Lowell]. Sends latest book, asks for prices of books by Jonathan Wiliams. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  43. August 7, 1971. Purdy, James. Brooklyn, NY. To Richard Centing. Thanks him for sending names of prospective book buyers. Mentions that he might visit Anais Nin. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  44. August 16, 1971. Purdy, James. Brooklyn, NY. To Richard Centing. Comments on his proposed visit with Anais Nin. Informa Centing of recent recordings of his works. [typed leter, signed] 1 p.
  45. August 20, 1971. Purdy, James. Brooklyn, NY. To Richard Centing. Thanks him for sending an Anais Nin quotation. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  46. August 21, 1971. Hugo, Ian. New York, NY. To Richard Centing. Thanks him for sending photographs, says he's leaving for the Edinburgh Film Festival where one of his films will be shown. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  47. November 2, 1971. [Hivnor], Bob [Robert Hanks]. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. [Kent, OH]. Literary and personal matters. [typed letter, singed] 1 p.
  48. December 2, 1971. D[oyle], Mike. Victoria, BC. To Ed[ward] Dorn. Encloses [Theodore] Enslin issue of Tuatara, wants to do a Dorn issue. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  49. December 14, 1971. [Hivnor], Bob [Robert Hanks]. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. Literary and personal matters. Written on the back of a Christmas card. [autogrpah letter, signed] 1 p.
  50. 1971. Johnson, Crane. La Mesa. Calif. To Librarian [Kent State University]. Sends a copy of his book The Locusts to the library. [form letter, signed] 1 p.
  51. 1971. Green, Paul Eliot. Trumpet in the Land. Play. 603 pp. The manuscript consists of notes on main characters and scenes; revisions of three scenes; "Various Planning Notes for the Ohio Drama 1967-8;" long working draft of Act 1, rehearsal script 1970; sciprt, heavily revised, of a major part of the play; "Notes - Thinking Toward Rewrite 2/25/71;" programs and promotional material. Reviews and programs related to Paul Green's Texas.

Box 11
Folder -- Contents

  1. 1971. Green, Paul Eliot. Trumpet in the Land. Synopsis treatment and play manuscript.
  2. 1971. Green, Paul Eliot. Trumpet in the Land. Tryout and planning script and rehearsal script.
  3. 1971. Green, Paul Eliot. Trumpet in the Land. Programs. 1970-1971. Letter of invitation to Kent State Night performance of Trumpet in the Land. [1972]. Accompanied by brochures.
  4. January 2, 1972. Hugo, Ian. New York, NY. To Richard Centing. A Christmas card explaining that he's been in the hospital and thanking him for the card. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  5. March 21, 1972. Anderson, Forrest. San Francisco. To Jim [Lowell]. [Cleveland]. Is having many of his poems published, can send copies of his book Portlights. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  6. April 3, 1972. Anderson, Forrest. San Francisco. To Jim Lowell. [Cleveland]. Operation is over. Sends copies of Portlights. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  7. April 24, 1972. [Robertson], Kell. [San Francisco]. To Ed[ward Dorn]. Encloses Desperado 7, invites him to dinner. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  8. April 25, 1972. Williams, Miller. Fayetteville, Ark. To [Kenyon] Rosenberg. Thanks him for his review of his book on J.C. Ransom. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  9. May 5-10, 1972. [Brackett, Leigh]. The Long Goodbye. Screenplay. 90 pp. Untitled poem. Bound copy of screenplay.
  10. November 10, 1972. [Eckman], Fred[erick]. [Bowling Green, OH]. To Jim [Lowell]. Sends copy of piece "Asphodel," written by one of his students in memory of Lowell's bookshop at the Arcade, talks of his upcoming work. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  11. 1972. Hudgens, Betty Lenhardt. Kurt Vonnegut, a Checklist. 26 pp. Accompanied by a second copy of the manuscript, correspondence, proof, production, and promotion notes.
  12. March 21, 1973. Friedman, Rich[ard]. [Chicago]. To Ed[ward Dorn]. [Kent, OH] Plans to attend his reading, requests poems for Milk Quarterly. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  13. April 1, 1974. Nin, Anais. Los Angeles, Calif. To [Kent State University Press]. Asks them to send copies of her bibliography to give to her students. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by note saying that the check was forgotten in the previous letter and is enclosed.
  14. May 11, 1974. Mallory, Lee. Fayetteville, NC. To [Kent State University Library]. Letter of promotion for 20 Times in the Same Place, an anthology of poetry. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by two pieces of promotional material for the anthology.
  15. June 24, 1974. Sherman, Jory. [Bear Lake, CA]. To [James Russell Lowell]. Asphodel Bookshop. [Burton, OH]. Inquires as to whether or not the bookshop would like to purchase copies of his book, There Are Ways of Making Love to You. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  16. October 2, 1974. H[ivnor], Bob [Robert Hanks]. New York City. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. [Kent, OH]. Literary and personal matters. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  17. November 23, 1974. [Hivnor], Bob [Robert Hanks]. New York. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. Literary and personal matters. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.

Box 12
Folder -- Contents

  1. August 13, 1975. Gleason, Madeline. To John [Edmunds]. Asks him to send check for $250, encourages him in his work, cancelled check from Edmunds and membership application listing Gleason as a reference enclosed. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  2. 1975. [McClelland], J[eanette]. To Grandpa and Grandma [Raup]. Sends card made by a friend, describes countryside, encloses issue of Cairn she edited. [autograph postcard, signed] 1 p.
  3. 1975. Miller, Brown. The Liquid Child's Sun: A Sybaritic Simulsense.- Poetry. 13 pp.
  4. October 27, 1976. Fisher, Leonard Everett. Dinner remarks, the Academic Librarian's Association of Ohio. [typed document, signed] 12 l. Accompanied by a tape recording of the remarks and correspondence relating to Fisher's appearance at ALAO and to these remarks.
  5. 1976. [Dowden], George. To John [Clellon] and Shirley [Holmes]. Comments on Holmes' writing and his own work, sends copy of his "Earth Incantations." [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  6. 1976. Osterlund, Steven. Twenty One Love Poems. 45 pp.
  7. May 30, 1977. [Welty], Eudora. [Jackson, MI]. To Ed[ward] McGehee. [Kent, OH]. Thanks McGehee for party that he gave after her reading, expresses pleasure over Alan Pryce-Jones' piece on her book, The Optimist's Daughter. [autograph letter, singed] 2 pp. With newspaper clipping of Alan Pryce-Jones' article.
  8. November 24, 1977. Harris, James Neil (editor). Saul Bellow: Since Herzog. Papers presented at the MLA Conference in Chicago, December 27, 1977. Papers by Robert R. Dutton, Steven David Lacine, Ketih Opdahl, and Sanford Pinsker are included. [typed document, copy]. 47 pp.
  9. 1977. Brotherson, Gordon. Cosmology and Literature in Mesoamerica. 137 pp. Includes editorial notes from Edward Dorn.
  10. 1977. Osterlund, Steven. Pendulum: New Poems. "Mock up." 40 pp. Accompanied by seven pages of corrected proof "mock ups" of the cover, and an un-trimmed, corrected copy of the book.
  11. 1978. McInerney, Brian. Changing Accounts. Poetry. 53 pp.
  12. January, 1979. [Shepard, Sam]. Seduced. Play 61 pp. American Place Theatre working script of Richard Bright who played Raul, with his annotations. [2 copies].
  13. November 15, 1979. Rosenberg, Kenyon C. "M. Achilles Blauberg, Paris." Poem. 1 p.

Box 13
Folder -- Contents

Note: This box contains materials related to the publication of Jack Kerouac by Tom Clark. (San Diego, Calif. : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1984). Materials include a manuscript, editor's notes, and letters from Clark, Matthew J. Bruccoli, Ann Charters, Marshall Clements, Robert Creeley, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Allen Ginsberg, Peter Jovanovich, Frankie Edith-Kerouac-Parker, and Judith Baughman.

  1. 1981-1984. Clark, Tom. Writer: A life of Jack Kerouac. Typed manuscript. 161 pp. Part 1: Visions in the Lowell Night. Part 2: Wild Road. Part 3: Writer.
  2. Pages 160-253 of typed manuscript. Part 4: Wandering Bhikku. Kerouac Chronology 3 pp. Footnotes and Quotation sources. 34 pp. Bibliography 6 pp.
  3. 1981-1984 Permission requests and letters from Matthew J. Bruccoli to Tom Clark. Also includes correspondence from Matthew J. Bruccoli to Robert Creeley and Lawrence Ferlinghetti regarding their interest in writing a Kerouac biography for the Harcourt Brace Jovanovich series.
  4. May 16, 1983. Charters, Anne. [Nacka, Sweden]. To Matthew J. Bruccoli. Columbia, SC. Expresses reluctance to grant permission to user her photos in Tom Clark's biography of Jack Keroauc without reading the manuscript.
  5. Clark, Tom. To Peter Jovanovich and Matthew J. Bruccoli. Letters and postcards.
  6. 1983. Letters from Marshall Clements regarding photo permissions.
  7. 1981. Letters from Robert Creeley.
  8. 1981. Letters from Lawrence Ferlinghetti to Matthew J. Bruccoli.
  9. 1983. Letter from Allen Ginsberg.
  10. 1982. Letters from Peter Jovanovich.
  11. 1983. Letter from Frankie Edith Kerouac-Parker.
  12. Miscellaneous illustrations
  13. Letters from Judith Baughman. Miscellaneous illustrations. Correspondence regarding photo permissions. Citations and footnotes.

Box 14
Folder -- Contents

  1. April 8, 1981. Stewart, James. To Bruce Harkness. Kent, Ohio. Responds to his letter about Joseph Conrad, will be unable to contribute to program. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  2. 1981. Traubel, Horace. With Walt Whitman in Camden, Volume 6: September 15, 1889 - July 6, 1890. 561 pp. Pages 2-39. Accompanied by letter to Prof. William White from Lisa Abromitis, November 26, 1984.
  3. With Walt Whitman in Camden, Volume 6: September 15, 1889 - July 6, 1890. Pages 40-199.
  4. With Walt Whitman in Camden, Volume 6: September 15, 1889 - July 6, 1890. Pages 200-379.
  5. With Walt Whitman in Camden, Volume 6: September 15, 1889 - July 6, 1890. Pages 380-561.
  6. 1982. Baum, Maurice. Poems for You and Me preliminary matter. 4 pp. Accompanied by five letters from Baum to Edgar L. McCormick.
  7. 1984. Baxt, George. The Dorothy Parker Murder Case. Typescript, signed, with holograph corrections throughout. 319 pages.
    Physical Location: This item is housed in a separate box due to its size.
  8. September 3, 1986. Pralle, Bob [Robert]. Wolfeboro Falls, New Hampshire. To KSU Library. [Kent, OH]. Sends copy of his book of poems, Overwrought Irony, asks about Kent State University from which he graduated in 1966, provides biographical information, [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  9. 1986. Woolf, Douglas. Loving Ladies. Essay. 40 pp.
  10. February 23, 1987. [Rachewiltz, Mary de]. Marginalia. 1 p. Xerox copy of Ezra Pound's Canto CXIV marked in pen by Rachewiltz prior to her lecture in Satterfield Hall. Accompanied by poster.
  11. 1987. Baxt, George. The Dorothy Parker Murder Case. Bound carbon copy typescript, signed, with some holograph corrections. 252 pages.
    Physical Location: This item is housed in a separate box due to its size.
  12. May 3, 1989. Rechy, John. Los Angeles, Calif. To Stephen [Jama]. Thanks him for his interest in his work and encloses tearsheets from his entry in Contemporary Authors and an interview that appeared in Edge. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  13. May 14, 1989. Rechy, John. Los Angeles, Calif. To Stephen [Jama]. Briefly discusses critics, especially of gay literature and encloses a review and also an interview he gave. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  14. October 1989. Perlman [Halem], Sandra. Dear Mother and All: a play in two acts with music. [computer generated typescript], 63 pp.
    Acquisition Information: Donated by Richard Myers.
  15. 1990. Smith, Chris. Daly City, CA. To Dean H. Keller. Kent, Ohio. Presents a copy of the book Striking Beauty to the Kent State University Library. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  16. January 23, 1991 (postmark date). Broughton, James. To John Budan, Newberg, OR. Broughton comments on his poem The Madness House. Budan knew Broughton when Budan was a student at the Poetry Center of San Francisco. [autograph postcard, signed] 1p. Accompanied by three photographs sent to Special Collections & Archives by Budan and his handwritten notes on the postcard and each photograph: 1) a color photo of John Wieners and Winston Leyland taken at the home of Paul Mariah; 2) a black and white photo of Helen Adams taken in 1972 at a party after a SF Poetry Center reading; and 3) a black and white photo of Robert Duncan, circa 1972, taken at a social event.
    Acquisition Information: Donated to Special Collections & Archives by Budan in 2019.
  17. March 11, 1993. [Brooks, Gwendolyn] Corrections in ink of errors in stories about her Kent appearance in the Daily Kent Stater and the Record Courier. Accompanied by a poster advertising the event.

For the following items no year is given.

  1. January 11. Milton, Geo[rge]. F., Jr. New York. To S[amuel] S[idney] McClure. Regrets that he forgot to bring him to book, so he mails it. Thanks him for letting him borrow it. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  2. January 13. Atherton, Gertrude [Franklin Horn]. New York. To [?]. Agrees to autograph copies of her books. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  3. January 15. [Zimmer], Paul. [Pittsburgh]. To Ed[ward McGehee]. Invites McGehee to dinner. [typed note, signed] 1 p.
  4. January 18. Croly, J[ane] C[unningham]. To Miss Booth. Extends an invitation. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  5. January 24. [Zimmer], Paul and Sue. [Pittsburgh]. To Ed[ward McGehee]. Thanks him for his hospitality during their recent visit. [autograph note, signed] 2 pp.
  6. February 8. Gregory, Eliot. [New York]. To [David Alexander] Munro. Sends new article. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  7. February 8. L[emperly], P[aul]. Lakewood, Ohio. To H[arvey] A. S[chwab]. Lists his collection of books by Thomas Burke. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  8. February 9. Metcalfe, James S[tetson]. New York. To Laird Wallace. Defends his review of The Actor's Theatre production of Hedda Gabler.
  9. February 26. Long, Wm. [William] J[oseph]. Stanford, Conn. To Curtis. Accepts an invitation to speak. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  10. February 28. Gregory, Eliot. [New York]. To [David Alexander] Munro. Asks for opinion on article he has sent. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  11. February 29. Greenough, J[ames] B[radstreet]. To Phineas Baker. Regrets he has no essays on hand. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  12. March 12. [Hivnor], Bob [Robert Hanks]. Minneapolis. To Professor Ed[ward] McG[ehee]. Literary and personal mattesr. Uses name Osbert Pismire in entry. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  13. March 25. L[emperly], P[aul]. Lakewood, Ohio. To H[arvey] A. S[chwab]. Concerning the books of John Buchan. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  14. April 23. [Bryant, William Cullen]. To Mr. Bolla. Declines an invitation. [autograph letter] 1 p.
  15. April 23. Thatcher, [Benjamin Bussey]. To [?]. Regrets that he can't accept their dinner invitation, due to the state of his health. [autograph letter] 1 p.
  16. April 25. Russell, Peter. London. To [Louis] Zukofsky. Sends him something and asks him to subscribe to Nine magazine. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  17. May 4. Harrison, C[onstance] C[ary]. New York, NY. To Holt. Cannot do an article for him but suggests one who can. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  18. June 18. [Hivnor], Bob [Robert] H[anks]. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. Literary and personal matters. [typed letter] 1 p.
  19. July 24. Leigh, Oliver. To [?]. Refers him to his book on Poe. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  20. July 30. Emerson, Edward W[aldo]. Fitzwilliam, NH. To DeWitt Miller. On the publication of the Social Circle Memoirs. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  21. August 12. Dreiser, [Theodore] Mt Kisco, [NY]. To [Hyman Solomon] Kraft. At work on The Stoic, invites Kraft for a visit. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  22. August 17. Bonner, Geraldine. San Francisco. To [?]. Thanks for letter in which he remembers her mother. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  23. September 11. Deland, Margaret [Wade (Campbell)]. Kennebunkport, Maine. To [Charles Belmont] Davis. Discusses her novel in progress, a short story, hopes to do something for Colliers, comments on story by Edith Wharton. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  24. October 11. Atherton, Gertrude. [Franklin (horn)]. To Mr. Manse. Agrees to autograph his books. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  25. November 7. Twichell, J[oseph] H[opkins]. Hartford, Conn. To Gen. King. Asks for a copy of minutes of a meeting. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  26. November 19. Bruccoli, Matthew. Columbus, Ohio. To [Patricia] Ulizio. [Haddonfield, NJ]. Thanks her for her kindness. [typed letter, signed]
  27. November 27. Davis, Owen. New York, NY. To Miss Earle. Returns tickets. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.

Box 15: 
-- Contents

  1. Undated, Ashbery, John Lawrence. The Philosopher. Play. 21 pp.
  2. Undated, Bates, Katherine [Lee]. Chicago. To The Chap-Book. Submits a story. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  3. Undated, Bigelow, John. To Mrs. Stout. Accepts a dinner invitation. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  4. Undated, Blashfield, Edwin H[owland]. To Davis. Makes arrangements to visit a composition class. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  5. Undated, Bodenheim, Max[well]. To Mrs. Colefax. Accepts an invitation to dinner. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  6. Undated, Boissevain, Eugen [Jan]. Austerlitz, NY. To [Bernard George] Ulizio. Explains that Edna St. Vincent Millay will not sign autographs. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  7. Undated, Brown, Alice. West Medford, [MA]. To Miss Smith. Apologizes for not answering her note. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  8. Undated, [Brown, Charles Brockton]. To [?]. Complains about writing, inability to sleep, muses about personal thoughts. [autograph letter] 4 pp.
  9. Undated, Brown, Joe C. Chicago, Ill. To [Hyman W.] Kritzer. [Kent, OH]. Sends copy of his book of poems, But Not Like Yesterday. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  10. Undated, Byrne, Charles Alfred. Bagatelle, In One Act. Play. 30 pp. Heavily corrected. Earlier title, "A Surprise Party," crossed out.
  11. Undated, Carroll, Edwin H. "There Is Glory Enough for All." Poem. 17 pp. Heavily corrected.
  12. Undated, Christian, Arthur. "I Know a Room." Poem. 1 p.
  13. Undated, Christian, Arthur. "Yesterday." Poem. 1 p.
  14. Undated, [Ciardi, John?]. "A Guide to Poetry; For Cid Corman, Who Needs it Least." Poem. 6 pp. Accompanied by a section of Dante's The Inferno, canto 5, lines 31-58, with the English translation.
  15. Undated, "The Confessions of a Ghost Writer. By One of Them." [typed article] 23 pp.
  16. Undated, Cox, Palmer. Autograph. [autograph documents, signed] 2 pp.
  17. Undated, Dargan, Olive Tilford. "This War." Poem. 7 pp.
  18. Undated, Deland, Margaret [Wade (Campbell)]. To [Charles Belmont] Davis. Has finished a novel called The Black Drop. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  19. Undated, DiDonato, Pietro. Gospel. Novel. 202 pp.
  20. Undated, Dreiser, [Theodore]. To [Hyman Solomon] Kraft. Makes arrangements for a meeting. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  21. Undated, Edgar, Day. To Pete. Speaks about his father's health, comments on stories by Nunnally Johnson. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  22. Undated, Ellroy, James. To Al[bert Borowitz]. Thanks him for sending books, hopes he will like the enclosed book. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  23. Undated, Fawcett, Edgar. [autograph]. 1 p.
  24. Undated, Ford, Paul Leicester. Brooklyn, NY. To C.B. Fillinghast. Boston, Mass. Discusses briefly what issues of the Tribune Almanac are available. [signed postcard]
  25. Undated, Fox, John. To Mrs. Riggs. Accepts an invitation. [autograph letter, signed] 2 pp.
  26. Undated, Frost, Robert. Autograph. [autograph document, signed] 1 p.
  27. Undated, Gibson, Charles Dana. To [?]. Recommends Miss Fair to him. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  28. Undated, Gilman, Lawrence. Autograph inscription. [autograph document, signed] 1 p.
  29. Undated, Goodman, Denise Levertov. "A Happening." Poem. 1 p.
  30. Undated, Goodman, Denise Levertov. "To the Snake." Poem. 1 p.
  31. Undated, Goodman, Denise Levertov. "The Vigil." Poem. 1 p.
  32. Undated, Green, Clara Bellinger. Forty Poems. 42 l.
  33. Undated, Green, Paul J. Peterborough. To [?]. Encloses a trial copy of Target, wonders if he's interested in selling some of them. [typed letter, sigined] 1 p.
  34. Undated, Grey, Francis W. "The Evolution of a Flirt." Essay. 12 pp.
  35. Undated, Grey, Francis W. "The Fan." Essay. 11 pp.
  36. Undated, Havens, Raymond D[exter]. Edgartown, Mass. To Arthur [Edwin DuBois]. Tells DuBois that he's written letters of recommendation for him, mentions his plans for the summer and his enjoyable stay in Edgartown. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  37. Undated, Hawthorne, Julian. Christmas greeting. [autograph document] 1 p.
  38. Undated, [Hivnor], B. [Robert Hanks]. New York. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. Literary and personal matters. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  39. Undated, Jama, Stephen. Six poems, each untitled but numbered with a Roman numeral. [typed manuscript, signed] 7 pp. (one is blank)
    Acquisition Information: Donated by Kay Kritzer. Jama was her high school English teacher at Mantua High.
  40. Undated, [Kaufmann, Peter]. Untitled philosophical dialogue between a father and his son, in German. 322 pp. Accompanying the manuscript is what appears to be an outline for the work and two letters of Peter Kaufman: December, 1856 [autograph letter, signed] 8 pp; December 14, 1860 [autograph letter] 2 pp.
  41. Undated, Kelly, Robert. Moving Out: a play in nine scenes of light with separations of darkness. [typed manuscript, signed, with autograph edits by Kelly] 38 pp. Accompanied by a letter from Jim Lowell of The Asphodel Book Shop inquiring about the work to Kelly. Kelly's handwritten response is included on the same letter. He indicates the play was never published and that he began to write in circa 1960 while still living in Brooklyn.
    Acquisition Information: Purchased by Special Collections & Archives from Asphodel Book Shop. 
  42. Undated, Kemp, Harry [Hibbard]. "I Thought." [autograph document, signed] 1 p.
  43. Undated, Kimball, Harriet McEwen. Autograph. [autograph note, signed] 1 p.
  44. Undated, Kshensky, Marcel. Bronx, NY. To Asphodel Book Shop. Encloses a copy of In Transit and discusses the magazine, its origin, purpose, and promotion. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  45. Undated, Lathrop, George Parsons. "The Casket of Opals." Poem. 11 pp.
  46. Undated, Little, Elliotte R. Bellevue, Washington. To The Gifts Librarian [Kent State University]. Sends a copy of his book Candles for the Boardroom, discusses the novel and hopes it will be uselful. [typed letter, signed] 1 p. Accompanied by a xerox copy of the book's title page.
  47. Undated, Longfellow, Samuel. To Mrs. Jones. Accepts an invitation, will find an autograph of H.W. Longfellow for her. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  48. Undated, Martino, Bill. Appleton, Wisc. To [?]. Asks if the dealer would like a few copies of his Songs of the Sand Country on consignment. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  49. Undated, Mets, J[ames] A[ndrew]. "A Midnight Vision." Poem. 1 p.
  50. Undated, Mets, J[ames] A[ndrew]. "The Nasturtium." Poem. 2 pp.
  51. Undated, Mets, J[ames] A[ndrew]. "Recompense." Poem. 1 p.
  52. Undated, Milosz, O[scar] V[ladislas de Lubicz]. To [Natalie Clifford] Barney. Anticipates a party on Sunday. [autogrpah letter, signed] 1 p.
  53. Undated, Milosz, O[scar] V[ladislas] de L[ubicz]. To [Natalie Clifford Barney]. Comments upon article she sent to him. [autograph letter, signed] 3 pp.
  54. [Moore, Rosalie]. To Mr. [Barthold] Fles. Informs him that her story, "American Fable," appeared in The Pacific Spectator and was cited in Martha Foley's Best American Short Stories. [typed letter] 1 p.
  55. Undated, Nations, Opal L. London. To Ed[ward Dorn]. Requests contribution to Strange Faeces. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.

Box 16: Undated items
Folder -- Contents

  1. Undated, Nin, Anais. To Thomas DiGenti. Thanks him for appreciating her work, explains why she wrote D.H. Lawrence, an Unprofessional Study. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  2. Undated, Nin, Anias. To Thomas DiGenti. Apologizes for delay in publication of Solar Barque. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  3. Undated, N[in], A[nais]. To [?]. Explains that she has no more copies of Gemor edition and had to reprint it. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  4. Undated, [no author]. Notebook containing 14 poems. 33 pp.
  5. Undated, [no author]. Notebook containing original poems. 56 pp.
  6. Undated, O'Donnell, George Marion. "Savage Province." Poem. 1 p.
  7. Undated, Opie, Martha J. "Once More I Pause Along Life's Busy Way." Poem. 1 p.
  8. Undated, Piatt, Sarah. "The Witches in the Glass." Poem. [autograph document] 1 p.
  9. Undated, Robinson, E[dwin] A[rlington]. Syracuse, NY. To Miller. Attempts to explain one of his poems. [typed letter, copy] 1 p.
  10. Undated, Rollins, Alice (Wellington). "Portraits." Poem. 1 p.
  11. Undated, Sage, Alfred G. Three untitled poems. 3 pp.
  12. Undated, Scotson-Clark, George Frederick. Lucy's Ma. Novel. 194 pp.
  13. Undated, Scott, John Reed. Pittsburgh, PA. To Dodd, Mead, and Co. He sends the Last of His Line manuscript and asks if they will consider it for publication. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  14. Undated, Sheldon, Charles M[onroe]. To [Hamilton] Holt. Submits manuscript to The Independent. [autograph letter, signed] 1 p.
  15. Undated, Sylander, Gordon. Poems. 26 pp.
  16. Undated, Ward, John. "Alcyone, the Central Sun." Poem. 3 pp.
  17. Undated, [Whittmore], Reed. To Ed[ward G. McGehee]. Regrets he cannot publish a copy. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  18. Undated, Willis, N[athanial] P[arker]. To Mrs. Hall. In reply to her letter concerning her book. [autograph letter, signed] 4 pp.
  19. Undated, Wyatt, [William E.] Bill. "December Haiku." 13 pp.
  20. Undated, [Zimmer], Paul. Pittsburgh. To Ed [McGehee]. Kent, Ohio. Explains why University of Pittsburgh Press decided against publishing his book. [typed letter, signed] 1 p.
  21. Undated, Zimmer, Paul. Four chapters of The Breath We Share. 24 pp.
  22. Undated, Zimmer, Paul. "Child Christ pass from the ... " Poem with painting. 2 pp.
  23. Undated, Zimmer, Paul. "Frog," "Stanzas in a Cycle," "Perhaps, Come Spring," "In Spring (Probably March)," "The Creek," "Dirge," "To a Monster Who Refuses to Be Put in a Proper Place," "To the Sun as it Sets." Poems. 8 pp.