University Libraries Digital Scholarship Series 2023 kicks off first session
University Libraries Digital Scholarship Series 2023 kicks off first session
Kent State University Libraries’ spring 2023 Digital Scholarship Series kicked off the first session on February 3 with an introduction to ORCiD and OAKS.
This series provides Kent State faculty and staff with professional development skills to conduct research in the digital age. STEM Librarian Yuening Zhang gave a presentation on ORCiD, a service that provides researchers with a persistent digital identifier, owned and maintained by the researcher, that distinguishes them from other researchers with identical or similar names. ORCiD identifiers are required for certain grant funders and publications.
Digital Projects Specialist David Elswick presented on Open Access Kent State (OAKS), Kent State’s institutional repository, which collects, preserves and disseminates the intellectual output of our university. We actively seek Kent State researchers’ pre- and post-prints of published research and data sets, as well as other creative outputs, such as poster sessions, art and photographs, that can be preserved in OAKS.
A recorded video of last week’s presentation on ORCiD and OAKS is available for Kent State faculty and staff to view online. Throughout this semester, the Digital Scholarship Series will provide informative, virtual sessions, covering many topics, such as digitization, text mining, copyright, data visualization and more. Browse session descriptions and register today!